He must have seen me looking around. "Were you here waiting for someone?"

I turned back to look at him. "Yes. My date should be here any minute." I was hoping I was right, hoping Scott would be here soon.

"Why don't you ditch them and come with me?"

"Uh...sorry, I can't." Come on Scott, where are you? I suddenly felt lips press against mine. My eyes were wide open in shock. He had kissed me?! What kind of creep was he?! Then I heard something hit the floor near us. I pushed away and turned to see Scott in tears. He turned and ran away while I shouted after him, but he was long gone. I started to run after him.

"Come on babe, he's not worth it." I turned back around.

"Don't call me that! This was your fault!" I started running in the direction Scott had run off in, hoping I would catch up to him.

Scott's POV

A few minutes after Xornoth left, I heard someone knock at the door again. "I said I was fine, Xornoth."

"Scott...it's me, can I come in?"

"G-Go away." I didn't want to see Jimmy yet, I know Xornoth said to give him a chance to explain, but I'm not ready to hear him out just yet.

"Please Scott...let me explain." I didn't say anything, then I heard another voice outside the door.

"He doesn't want to see you right now."

"Please, I just want to explain. I would never do that to him." 

"I believe you, but Scott needs some time to calm down." I appreciated Xornoth trying to help me.

I heard Jimmy sigh. "Scott, I'm sorry..." Then I heard footsteps getting further away. They were both gone. I was even more confused now. Why would Jimmy do that? What was there to explain? Who was that man? These were all questions I didn't have the answers to. I wanted to hear what Jimmy would have said, but I didn't want him to see me crying, and I was slightly angry that he didn't pull away from the kiss, that just hurt.

For the next few days, I just stayed in my room, not talking to anyone. The only time I would leave was to eat and go to the bathroom, but even then I still didn't talk to anyone.

"Come on Scott, you have to leave your room at some point." My brother had given me a few days to 'come to my senses,' as he called it, but now he was back on my trail.

"I like it in here." I wasn't lying, I did enjoy being in my room all day, not having any expectations to live up to, avoiding Jimmy, there was plenty of things to do in my room, responsibilities, avoiding Jimmy, it was peaceful...I could go on.

"Scott...please, you can't stay in there for the rest of your life."

"Why not? It seems nice in here. Have you ever realized how peaceful it is when you're by yourself?"

"That's it Scott!" He opened my door and walked in angrily. "You've completely lost your mind!"

"What do you mean? I'm fine." I sat on my bed and just stared at him blankly.

"You're working things out with Jimmy right now, or I'm dragging you out of that door and right to him!"

"Xornoth, I'm fine. I'm over it now, it was his choice if he wanted to be with someone else and I can't change that." I spoke as calmly as possible, trying not to give anything away. I still stared with a blank expression on my face, this was the only way I could keep my cool because I knew that as soon as I let Jimmy back into my mind, I would be crying all over again, so I had to pretend I was fine and Xornoth really wasn't helping.

He looked at me and examined my face, as if trying to find any hidden sadness I may have. Then he facepalmed. "Scott..." He sighed. "You can't possibly be telling me that after a few days you have already gotten over this. You were talking about him 24/7 and now you're just 'over it,' I don't believe you."

He said over it in a sarcastic tone, as if it was the the most unrealistic thing in the world. "It's true. Why don't you believe me?" I put on my best frowning, sad face to make him feel guilty, but it didn't work.

"Scott, just get your **s off that bed and go talk to Jimmy!"

"Oh come on Xor-" Before I could finish, he grabbed my arm and yanked me off of my bed and pulled me all the way out of my room. 

"So, are you going to go there by yourself? Or do you need me to drag you there?"

"I'm not going." I crossed my arms and refused to move.

"Oh yes you are." He grabbed my arm again and pulled me out of the front door. I expected him to stop there and give up, but oh how I was wrong. He actually dragged me all the way to the Cod Empire. So, there I stood, out the front of Jimmy's door, Xornoth standing behind me, gesturing for me to knock.

I hesitated before going to knock, I slowly held up my hand to the door, but before I could knock, it swung open. "Scott!" Jimmy wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I just froze. I wasn't ready to confront him, not yet. But it was too late, I was here, Jimmy was hugging me, I had to say something. Today was the day I was going to figure out what had happened that day. 

He pulled away and looked at my shocked and confused face. "Oh...s-sorry, I just assumed-" He looked down to the ground.

"I-It's fine." I forced a small smile and awkwardly stood there for a second before he started to talk.

"So..." He looked back up again. "I'm so sorry Scott! I never wanted this to happen, that guy-"

"Who was he?" I quickly interrupted.

"I don't know, he just walked up to me and said was cute." Hearing him say that made me angry.

"So you kissed the first guy to call you cute?! What is wrong with you Jimmy!?" I felt tears well up in my eyes. I didn't know he was that desperate.

"No! Scott listen...he said I was cute and I didn't know what to say, so I just said 'thanks,' then I started looking around for you because he was creeping me out. He must have realized because he asked who I was looking for and I said my date, then he kissed me and that's when you got there, you left before you got the whole story. I pushed him away to chase after you, that's when I got to Rivendell."

"You-You..." I didn't know what to say. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him, then pulled him into a hug and whispered, "sorry I didn't believe you." 

"It's ok, I understand why you didn't." He whispered back, wrapping his arms around me.

"Awwww." I almost forgot Xornoth was still here. I let go of Jimmy and we both turned around to look at him.

"Xornoth!" We yelled, then started laughing. After a few seconds, Xornoth joined in as well.

Do I...like him? (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now