Chapter 1

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"Mama!" Angel shouted running from the school playground into her mother's arms. Tears were streaming down her face as she buried her face into Roxanne. Roxanne wrapped her arms around her, picked her up, and wrapped Angel's legs around her waist, kissing the top of her daughter's head.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Roxanne asked. Angel shook her head, refusing to tell. Harley let out a sigh, shifting her weight to her left leg. "Please tell me, sweetie?" Harley pleaded. Angel continued to shake her head stubbornly. Harley turned and headed for the car, listening to the children laugh and scream. She knew that Angel was bullied once again but Angel wouldn't say for what this time, but Harley had a good idea what it was about, the same thing as it always has been since Parents' Day at school.

Harley opened the back passenger door, placing Angel in her booster seat, and buckling her in before shutting the door and going to the driver's side, getting in the car. You're just as stubborn and bullheaded as your father, Harley thought. The unspoken words swirled around her head, wishing she could say them, but she didn't want to talk about that man. He made his bed and now he had to lie in it. He chose his career over Harley and it's his fault that he's got to miss out. She didn't want to get her daughter involved in that mess from the past and the past was going to stay behind her.

She shut the door, looking in the rearview mirror at Angel. Her eight-year-old daughter stared back at her, red teary eyed and sniffling. Shaking her head, she re-adjusted the rear-view mirror, started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. She had no idea how she was going to handle this, and she had to go see her mother and ask for help. If it wasn't for her mother, she would have never been able to come as far as she had. Her mother helped babysit for her a lot of nights while she went to school and then Roxanne took care of her daughter during the days.

"We booked our flight those years ago, I said I loved you as I left you, regrets still hung my hollow head, but I promised you I would see you again" Harley reached over and turned off the radio, not wanting to hear his voice.

"Why did you shut it off mama?" Angel asked. "I liked that song" she frowned, looking dowwn at the floor, pulling her blanket over herself.

"Mama is tired of listening to them" Harley rolled her eyes. More like can't bear to listen to his voice after the heartbreak she had to endure but it's still the same thing.

"But mama, I like Black Brides" Angel turned to look out the window when she quickly changed the subject.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to nanas; mama needs to talk to nana really bad"

"You miss nana?" Angel asked.

"I do when I don't get to see her" Roxanne nodded, passing by their street.

"Why do I not get a daddy?" Angel asked suddenly and it was like a bomb went off inside Harley's head. Her eyes widened and turned to look at her daughter before turning back to look at the road. I knew this day was coming, my mama told me it was going to, but I didn't know it was going to be soon. It was only a matter of time when Angel started getting bullied about it.

"He went away on vacation" Harley lied.

"A long vacation?" she asked, tugging on her blonde pigtails. Harley pulled to the curb of her parents' house, seeing people coming and going from the house picking up their kids. She turned the ignition off and got out of the car, running around to the other side and opening back passenger to look at her daughter was now full-on crying.

"I just want my daddy to come back and love me" Angel cried. It hurt Harley to see her daughter like this. She felt bad her father wasn't here, but it was partially her fault too. She didn't contact him when Angel was born but she knew what he would have done, and she didn't want to face rejection.

"I know sweetie" She pulled her daughter in a hug, starting to feel choked up. "Let's go see nana and papaw, they'll make us feel better" She un-buckled Angel, picked her out of the booster seat and shut the door as she headed up to her mother's house bumping into someone.

"Hello Harley, it's nice to see you"

"Hello Stephanie. It's nice to see you too" Harley mocked. She didn't like Stephanie. Harley remembered that Stephanie was one of the popular girls that bullied her in high school and they never liked each other.

"Hi Angel" Stephanie's son Bryan waved at her daughter. Angel peeked at Bryan before she buried her face again.

" Whatd you do to your daughter? Take away her music?" Stephanie laughed.

" Mind your business Davidson"

" I'm still surprised to see you still in Ohio" Harley rolled her eyes.

"There's no place I'd rather be at than with my family" Harley headed into the house, slamming the door behind her.

" Mom!" Harley called out.

"In the kitchen" she headed to the kitchen to see her mother wearing her favorite pink rose dress with a baby blue apron in front of the baby blue mixer cracking open eggs.

"Hello" Diane said, not looking up.

"Hi mama!" Said Harley, putting Angel down as she ran over and gave her nana a hug around the waist.

"Hello pumpkin" She bent down as hugged her granddaughter, wiping the tears out of her eyes. "Why don't you go find papaw. I'm sure he has something for you" she smiled, looking at Angel. Angel took off running towards the living room.

"No running in the house" Harley called out.

" Oh calm down, she's just a little girl. She's excited"

"I recall that when I was a little girl that I was not allowed to run in the house"Harley smirked, crossing her arms across her chest.

" That was different. That's my grand baby" Diane laughed.

" Hey" Harley laughed.

" Okay now I know something is bothering you now, tell me what's the matter" Diane turned the mixer off and walked over to the stove, scraping the chocolate batter into the rectangular pan and spreading it iut evenly as Harley watched her silently.

"Angel is still getting bullied and she's wondering why her father isn't around " she frowned, leaning against the kitchen island.

"I knew this day was coming. We both did Harls, I tried to warn you" Diane glanced at her in the corner of her eye, placing the pan in the oven.

"It's only a matter of time when he gets wind of it and starts snooping around"

" I love you mama but I wish your predictions or whatever would quit coming true. It's annoying" Harley groaned.

"It's not predictions it's human nature and it's common sense if he cares at all and I know he does. He always has about you"

"He did until the record company called and got him signed and hasta la vista, he was out of here" She pointed over her shoulder with her thumb and let out a sigh.

"He still cares. He asks about you"

"How do you know?" She asked.

"I talk to Amy and Chris from time to time"

"Mom, why?" Harley groaned. "Why would you do that?"

"It's not like they're gonna say anything"

"Do they know about her?" Harley asked.

"No Harls. They don't because it's not my place to tell" Diane took off her apron and walked over towards the pantry and hung up the apron by the pantry door.

A/N: Hi guys, This is Vixenmoonlight. I hope you like this story. Im hoping I can actually stick with this one because I useually get bored and just give up on what I'm writing. Let me know how you like it so far and any way that I can prove or any tips. Thank you

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