-to the waters and the wild-

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"Dad honestly I think Terra has enough plants" Claire chuckled at the plant load her sister was struggling to hold up

"I think I'd have to disagree with you Claire" Terra huffed

"Okay, fine but at least let me help carry some" Claire reached her arm overtaking a few plants off carrying them herself

"Good luck on your first official year girls!" Their father was basically jumping with joy

"It will be perfect if Riven keeps his mouth shut" Claire mumbled, they use to get along quite well until he decided her family weren't cool enough for his new bad boy image.

Claire had been part of the Harvey family for a while, her mother and their father only married five years before and knew each other for two more before that, but yet Claire felt like she was with them her whole life. All the great memories she had were filled with her dragging Sam and Terra out to be normal teenagers and them dragging her to engage in their own special interests.

"Love you and good luck!" Their father waved them goodbye as they chuckled

"He is literally at the school with us, why is he so worried?" Terra sighed

"He's letting us spread our wings to a new world....across the campus" Claire spoke dramatically before her gaze was captured by a woman wearing a red jacket, purple shirt, space buns, and a headset waving hello to another student walking by

''has someone already caught your attention?'' Terra questioned 

''huh?'' Claire quickly turned her head to Terra ''no...just looking around at all the new faces I guess''

Terra held a cheeky grin now curious as to who Claire was staring at


"Jesus Christ Terra it looks like a forest in here" Claire raised her eyebrows looking around their new home

"I think it looks cute" a redhead wondered out of the side room

"I think you look cute, where did you get that shirt?" Claire was quick to her compliments

"I...I don't remember...sorry" the redhead apologised

"No worries, I'm Claire by the way and that's Terra" Claire walked over holding her hand out and receiving a weak shake in return

"I'm bloom" she stated

"Nice to meet you bloom, I'm guessing by all the red and the insane body temperature that you're a fire fairy?" Claire probed

"Yup that's me...never thought I'd agree to that" bloom nervously laughed pulling her hand away "what are you?"

"Air fairy, more specifically I can control and create winds...also if I have the energy I can become it" Claire smiled

"Oh cool" bloom was still so new to this it was easy to tell, finding people with all these abilities and gifts overwhelmed her, Claire watched as she walked away taking herself to Stella's room to be the next victim

They spoke for a moment before Stella walked out to soon approach Terra and Claire

"Shared space Terra. Everyone liked the secret garden because it was secret" Stella interrupted the peaceful room decorating

"Actually that's not quite the message of the secret garden, if anything it's a story about how when things are kept private their benefits aren't fully appreciated" Terra smiled proudly but Stella only delivered the stink eye

"The plants make up for the life force you and that bitchy attitude are taking from us every moment you're here, so deal with it" Claire received an eye roll from Stella which wasn't uncommon, they didn't hate each other but they didn't exactly get along either

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