S1~09: Yakuma Corridor

Depuis le début


At the same time...

Another group of yakuma had already began attacking the castle town. The screams and destruction of the place was large that it raised the alarm, and the news reached the supreme commander.


At Oda Castle...

"What? Yakuma have appeared in the castle town?" Nobunaga questioned Mitsuhide, who informed him the news.

"Yes." Mitsuhide answered. "Nagahide's squadron is currently dealing with them. The yakuma are gradually making their way to the castle from the western forest." He reported.

Nobunaga looked at the distribution map on his desk. He had a sneaky suspicion of the yakuma's movements, and the attack in the town proved he was right.

"It is just as you said. The yakuma are after her blood..."

"Mitsuhide, make the arrangements." Nobunaga ordered.

"You mean...?" Mitsuhide gasped slightly, shocked.

"The time has come." Nobunaga closed his eyes. "We will find their nest in order to subdue them." He stated, opening his lavender eyes.


The next morning...

'Why am I coming again?' Runa asked herself for the third time as another yawn escaped her lips.

After what happened last night, her fever got worse, and Runa ended up having a small case of short-term memory loss. When she asked what happened, Ranmaru barely gave her a straight answer. Whatever 'she' said to him, Runa knew she shouldn't hear it.

Now standing between Ranmaru and Katsuie outside the castle, standing on the bridge with horses behind them, the three were waiting for Yuzuki and Nobunaga. They've been standing for about 10-15 minutes that they had time to watch the sky waking up as well. The early sky was painted with pale blue and peachy orange, that it was basically a work of art.

Runa perked up when she heard footsteps coming from the castle. She turned her gaze from the grey sky to see Mitsuhide with Yuzuki walking beside him.

"I have brought her." Mitsuhide said.

'Finally...' Runa yawned again, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Ranmaru-kun, Runa-san and Katsuie-san... has something happened?" Yuzuki asked. She had no idea what's going on, or what they're doing out here so early in the morning.

"What?" Katsuie said, casually settling his hand on his hip. "You haven't heard anything?"

"The castle town was attacked last night." Ranmaru explained.

"Huh? By what army?" Yuzuki asked.

"Yakuma..." Runa tiredly answered, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Yakuma...?" Yuzuki repeated, shocked.

"The yakuma's movements have been odd lately." Katsuie mentioned. "They've never appeared around this area before."

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