S1~06: Uesugi Discord

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"Ula..." Runa mumbled as the little crocodile placed the bag before her.

"I'm really glad you're alright." Ula smiled, wiping happy tears from her eyes. "What happened?" Her eyes trailed to the nasty wound on Runa's arm.

Runa sighed. "I... was on my... way back to the castle... with Hanbee and... the other girl... when... yakuma... showed up..." She explained, remembering the event. "My thorns... went out of control... and attacked everything... I couldn't move anymore... because I'd forced myself... to run so hard..."

"It's amazing you're okay." Mavis smiled.

Ula nodded in agreement. "Anyway, we have to hurry and treat your arm."


"Huh?" The three got spooked from the sudden movements from the bushes. Who, or what could it be?

Runa could hear her little friends' hearts beating fast out of fear. She picked them up and held them close. The sound of footsteps leaded Runa to know that who or what was making them wasn't a 'what', but a 'who'. It wasn't a yakuma for sure. It didn't give off any bloodlust but instead of a calm and king-like aura. And it sounded like the footsteps were made by horses.

'If it is an enemy soldier or something... well... I don't care, right now...' Runa thought, feeling more drained she possibly can be. All she wants to do was go back home and sleep in her bed, or sleep with one of her sister figures on a soft, warm, cloud-like bed.

The two majestic creatures zoomed out of Runa's hold and hid inside the bag when the footsteps grew louder.

Runa reached out and grabbed the straps, pulling the bag towards her as the footsteps stopped, as some bushes rustled once more. She made some thorns appeared and pointed them at whatever was going to appear. She looked up to be met with...

... the Uesugi Army.

"..." Runa stared distrustfully at the army, pressing her back against the tree she's been leaning on. She eyed each werewolf carefully until her blindfolded eyes landed on Uesugi Kenshin, the supreme commander of the army, as well as Yuzuki.

"Runa-san?" Yuzuki widened her eyes in surprise at the sight of the raven-haired beauty.

"You're..." Kenshin, even though he didn't show it, he was surprised to meet the rumoured girl who has supernatural powers. The person responsible for helping his army, and Shingen's from being attacked by a swarm of yakuma. If she could kill yakuma from a distance just like that and not have to be present for it, then there was something unique about her. Kenshin then trailed his gaze to see the multiple cuts and burns on her ripped sleeve. Be blinked in surprise at the sight. "Kagemochi." He ordered.

"Yes, sir." Kagemochi mounted down from his horse and walked forward, kneeling down before Runa.

Runa glared at the werewolf, pointing her thorns threateningly at him as she hugged her bag with her good arm.

Kagemochi reached his arms out and wrapped themselves around Runa's back, and under knees, gently hoisting her up.

Runa struggled against his hold, trying to break free. She was so exhausted that she can't keep her thorns intact. They shattered, and now she's defenseless. "L-L-Let go..." Runa stammered, creating some sort of distance from Kagemochi.

"You cannot perform activities with that injury." Kenshin stated.

Runa stopped struggling and glanced at the supreme commander.

Sengoku Night Blood (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora