Despite the fame and glory, she didn't forget her promise to Chloe, they had a scheduled facetime/skype call every week since her best friend was also busy in Vet school. They send random text or memes every single day but that wasn't enough. She was so glad that Chloe decided to enroll in one of the vet school in LA. She asked her to be her room mate for old times sake but Chloe refused due to privacy and security issues. Becca understood, it took a few weeks and a group of big burly men to chase the paparazzi and crazy fans away.

Fat Amy again was again to the rescue and Becca was very grateful but Fat Amy as usual downplayed it. She bought a nice penthouse in LA stating that she was tired of New York and LA was a nice place to live with all the beaches and nice men. "It's time this sexy body enjoy some West Coast men".

Being in the same city didn't help the longing that she felt for Chloe. She misses her best friend every single day. They would meet from time to time but they were always being interrupted by work. Becca tried her best to remove Chloe from the spotlight or from the claws of those hungry vultures looking for scoop hence they only goes out when one or two Bellas were in town.

She had been on the road for almost three months now to promote her already successful EP and to get more exposure. Well that was her manager told her but it was also to gain more money since every places she performed were all sold out.

While Becca enjoyed performing and interacting with her fans, as well as touring different cities, there was only one place that she longs to be. But who was she kidding, it was never the place, it was a certain person that she could only consider home.

A soft bump on the road pulled Becca out of reverie. She looked at the time and let out a soft smile... it's time.

Chloe always loved animals. Her parents gifted her a rescued dog on her 10th birthday. It was her reward for being a good girl and getting good grades. It was also her parent's way of teaching her more responsibilities other than house choirs homework. She would walk, feed and play with the dog. Unfortunately, after three years, the dog caught a deadly virus and passed away. She had never felt so much pain like that in her life until the time Becca moved away to start her music career in LA.

The ginger haired woman told the Bella that she intentionally failed Russian Lit three times in order to stay in the group, but the truth was, she stayed for one particular person. "I think we are going to be fast friend". She told Becca at the night of aca-initiation night and she was right. They were indeed became fast friends.

However, Chloe doesn't only wanted to be friends with Becca, she wanted more. She never knew when these feelings started to manifest. She didn't even know that she would feel something like this to another woman.

Chloe was about to confess her feelings to Becca at the night of ICCA championship but unfortunately she was too late. After their performance, Becca sought Jesse from the Treblemakers and kissed him. She felt a stabbing pain in her heart, almost the same pain she felt when she lost her beloved dog. However, as a good friend, she wanted Becca to be happy so she forced her feelings down and supported her best friend.

Becca and Jesse decided to break up when they moved to New York due to the distance. She thought it was weird for Becca to come with her in New York rather than be with Jesse in L.A. because she knew that L.A was her goal when she first started at Barden.

"Jesse and I broke up." Becca said one evening when they were watching a movie on their shared bed.

"Oh." She replied. "How are you holding up." Becca just shrugged. Chloe didn't knew whether to rejoice or feel sad about it. She doesn't even know how to react. Becca seemed to be okay hence she decided to drop it for now and focused on their movie.

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