Part 2

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Part 2

Dick looked at Damiana keeping quie shiviting his gaze to the floor without saying a word he did a 180, walking out of the door and into the kitchn and heading out of the door into the backyard with Barbara following after him "Dick wait I can explain!" Tim and Jason both look at Damian "You knew and did not tell him demon spawn, that's just messed up man"  Damian looked at the dooor that Dick had exited from before he moved his head on your shoulder.

"I know I should have told him but I thought he already knew since when I confrunted her she said she was going to" Damian said with a big frown. Tim sighed "you're young you made a mistake but you need to tell him when it happened and how long have you known him," Tim said in a harsh tone. Damian sat up on your lap "a week," he replied not making eye contact with his older brothers. "Did you tell anyone else? Did you tell Y/N?" Jason asked, looking between the two of us. You shake your head "No, I just found out about this" you reply as you look Jason in the eye. "I haven't told anyone, not even my beloved as you just heard," Damian said as he meekly made eye contact with his brother. Tim sighed pinched the tip of his nose "you're going to have to earn Dick's trust back". "I KNOW!" Damian yelled and tensed his back muscles, with a feeling of guilt, anger, sadness and deep regret for what he had said in the spear of the moment. You started to rub a small circle on Damian's back to calm him down, watching him relax into your touch, sinking back down calmly.

"Ok there is no need to yell demon spawn," Jason said as he rubbed his temples. At this point, Artemis and Stephanie have already left the room. "I will talk to Grayson about this later," Damian said, averting his gaze to the floor as Tim and Jason both sighed,  exiting the room, and leaving you and Damian alone. "You ok hun?" you asked with a worried tone. Damian didn't answer, he just placed his head back on your shoulder and nodded into your neck.

"Do you want to go cuddle in your room? Would that make you feel better?" Damian sat up on your lap, looked you in the eye and whispered in a soft tone "Yes please". Damian got off your lap as he grabbed your hand and pulled you up. Still holding your hand he pulled you in the direction of his bedroom. Once you got to the door Damian opened it in a hurry and pulled you in, slamming the door behind him, shaking the whole room with the force of the door, he let go of your hand. You walked to his bed which was soft with the crow's black sheets that covered them. The bed sunk when you sat on it and you watched Damian walk back to you. Opening your arms for the shorter male, he sat on your lap with both legs on either side of yours as he wrapped his arms around your neck and held you close. wrapping your arms around his waist, you lean back to lay on the bed while holding him tight on top of you.

"You, comfy?" You asked. Damian nodded his head. "Use your words hun," you said, starting to rub in a circular motion on the small of his back. "y-yes I'm comfy Habibi,"  Damian said in a shy playful voice. "Good boy," you said in a satisfied tone. "When you want to talk about it I'm all ears alright," you said in a comforting tone. Damian knew what you meant by it but took it the wrong way. "It's fine y/n there is nothing to talk about you already know what happened and how I'm a bad brother!" Damian said in a defensive tone. You continued to rub circles on the small of his back with a sigh escaping your lips "You are not a bad brother it was a simple mistake and you know what I meant when I said talk about it" you said in a strong but soft tone.

"NO, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEANT!" Damian yelled in a weary tone as he sat upon your stomach facing you. You lock eyes with him "Oh you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about. How you are, how are you feeling through this whole thing, not about anything else, your mental state is just as important. So, please tell me how you are feeling" you said in an almost yelling, worryingly stricken tone as your eyes continue to lock. Damian closed his eyes and let out a big long sigh only to open them again and look at you, avoiding any eye contact."I-i feels like shit..." Damian took a breath.

Mean while with dick

Dick walked out of the living room, into the kitchen and out of the back door into the backyard. He heard Babara calling out to him, so he stopped at the door waiting for his heart crusher to parts. Rushing over to him Barbra opened her mouth and started to speak."I can explain". The first work, the first thing she could come up with, not even an apology. "What is there to explain you slept with my adopted father that watched the both of us grow into adults," Dick said in a heavy-hearted tone that was mixed with fury. Barbara stayed quiet as she averted her gaze; she didn't dare look at Dick.

Dick broke the silence "Why?" he said in a whisper softly. "Huh?" is all that's left on Barbara's lips. That was the breaking point for Dick.

Dick let out a low chuckle laugh " 'HuH?' is all you got to say" Dick replied in a mockingly cold voice. Barbara's eyes widened, she had never heard Dick use that tone with her or anyone but before she could talk Dick yelled with a heartbroken voice "WHY DID YOU DO IT WHAT WAS THE REASON AND PLEASE GIVE ME AN ANSWER AN HONEST ONE AT THAT NO LIE I'M SICK OF THE LIES JUST PLEASE YOU OWE ME THAT!".

Barbara looked shocked at how Dick yelled she had never seen him like this and it scared her making her mind befuddled, as she tried to give a straight answer.  "u-umm t-there w-was n-no r-reason i-it just h-happened" she said with a scared tone. "Did I do anything wrong?" Dick questioned feeling the heartbreak more and more."No you didn't" dicks face twisted at that response. "We can work through his Dick" she is trying to redeem herself. "No we can't. I don't think I can trust you again after what you did. How long has this been going on? I need to know if I can ever trust you again." He cast his gaze down, waiting for her answer. "A while" she replied, barely speaking at all. "What do you mean by a while?" Dick asked not lifting his eyes off the floor too much in pain to even do this anymore. "A couple of months to a year" she said as she started fiddling with her fingers. "huh?" Dick's eyes widened in shock as his voice wobbled. "When were you going to tell me the truth?"




"I wasn't going to, but Damian saw and made me promise to tell.." she said, finally looking at Dick. His eyes watering Dick walked past Barbara and back inside to see Tim and Jason sitting at the kitchen island. Tim, seeing Dick, got up off the chair and made his way towards him "Dick?" Grabbing a box of tissues and holding it up for Dick approaching him carefully. Dick grabbed a tissue, wiped his eyes and blew his nose. Jason finally noticed what was happening, got up and made his way next to Tim. "It's going to be ok," Jason said Dick nodded his head.

"Oh and me and Tim already lectured demon spawn," Jason said speaking proudly. Dick looked at the both of them."What? You shouldn't have done that. I Should have been the one to talk to him but thank you for your efforts. Now, where is Damian?" Dick was a bit disappointed but he spoke in a soft tone understanding why the boys made that decision. "We thought it was a good idea for us to speak to him to save you from the pain but we should've waited for you. I'm sorry Dick" Tim the one who spoke was slightly saddened by his mistake for the only hoped to help his brother. Dick let out a long sigh, "Where is Damian? I need to talk to him. I know you guys meant well but I still need to speak with him."

"He is with y/n in his room," Jason replied as he turned back to sit on the island. "Thanks," Dick said as he made his way from the kitchen, towards Damian's room. Dick made his way down the hall and as he was about to knock on Damian's door he heard you talk loudly, almost in a shout, so he stopped and decided to wait. As he did he heard Damian say "I-i feel like shit...". Dick decided to wait and listen to Damian and wait for him to continue. He knew it was wrong but he wanted to hear Damian speak truthfully without the cover-ups. It was wrong to eavesdrop but he had to know how his brother truly felt.

That's when he heard it.

"I also feel like I'm a bad person for not telling them the whole truth. I overheard Barbara telling, father she is pregnant..."

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