Chapter 3

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 They were traveling through the woods and annoyingly fast speeds. She couldn't keep up. Mon was going too fast. Nothing hurt her anymore, but her physical capabilities were nothing compared to the other's. Despite everything, she still couldn't run fast.

Finally Mon started slowing down when she realized they had left her in the dust. Mon walked back to her, Apple and Athena in her wake.

"You need to hurry up," Mon snapped, "We have to get there by this afternoon." Nobody was panting or sweating, but the little one's braid had come undone and little wisps had come loose and were floating around her face, giving her the illusion of a halo or lion's mane.

The little one didn't reply. Instead she shrunk back in fear. Mon waited a moment for a reply, and when one didn't come, she snarled and turned away, walking a few paces. Apple and Athena turned back to the little one.

"Hey," said Apple, placing her hand on the little one's shoulder, "Are you having trouble keeping up? I could give you a piggyback ride." The little one shook her head. Athena regarded her silently.

They stood there in silence for a while. The little one felt like she was about to cry. However, she was determined not to cry in front of anyone anymore. Not after last time.

"I know it's going to be hard," said Apple, "But you can get through it. Think about it this way; after this, she'll be able to see us, and we'll all be reunited as a group." The little one gulped and nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go catch up with Mon," said Apple, turning away, "But don't hesitate to ask if you need to ride on my back or anything. Okay?" The little one nodded her head. Apple jogged away. Athena just stared at the little one.

"Well?" the little one finally whispered, "Are you here to make fun of me, too?" Athena didn't do anything. She just stared.

"What's you're advice? You're oh-so-wise two cents?" the little one said a little louder. Again, Athena didn't reply. The little one stomped her foot.

"If you're not going to yell at me, or try to make me feel better, then just go away," she said, "There's nothing you can do or tell me that will change anything. Just leave me alone." The little one huffed and turned her back on Athena. Despite not seeing her, the little one could tell that Athena was still standing there.

"I said," said the little one turning back around with clenched fists, "If you're not going to reply or tell me some wise proverb, then go away!" She was yelling by the last bit, and surely she was crying now too. Athena annoyingly continued to stand there in silence.

The little one was about to push past her and keep running when Athena murmured so quietly the little one had to strain to hear her, "Silence is true wisdom's best reply." Athena side-eyed the little one, then rushed off to join Mon and Apple.

The little one took a few deep breaths before sprinting once again to catch up with them.

Apple was right. One way or another, the little one was about to see Aila.

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