"I... actually made a deal with Aloemere..."

"Oh- a deal?" Elise slid her hand over the page so you could no longer see, but had your full attention.

You turned to face her again, letting your ears pop back up, "Aloemere is going with your father, the King, to that lab. He said it was just 'some business', but I think this is what they're doing. While he was gone, Aloemere asked me to protect you and the kingdom as like, a test?" You shrugged and winced as you told her the truth.

Elise pulled you close to her face and whispered her plan to you so no one could overhear, "Well Silly, you can do that by coming with me! You can protect me right?"

You whispered back, shuffling on the books below you as you were brought close to her whisper voice, "O-of course!- And Aloemere will give me less work if I can prove myself to him."

"That sounds really nice..." Elise sat back and looked to the book again, now deciding if this was worth sabotaging you, her best friend's, chances; until she got an idea. "We can help each other then. Come with to have fun, but also protect me so Aloemere trusts you."

It was risky, but it might just work, "We just can't be caught."

You hesitated when Elise nodded to you and held out her hand, "Deal?"

"Eeeee... This is stupid- but ok." You took her hand and shook on it. The girl smiled and threw her hands up in excitement. "It'll be fun (Y/n), trust me."

You huffed to yourself, trying to get that courage to agree with her, "Yeah- YEAH it will!"

. . . . .

Later that evening, Aloemere and the King set out to their laboratory. It was outside the city walls of Soleanna but not too far. The two men had you and Elise locked into her room, a large room with various things to do. Under her bed were the quickly drawn up plans to get to the laboratory.

"And then we'll use this vent to crawl through since we're both small."  Elise pointed to the little rectangle full of lines, a piece of paper drawn to look like you and her was taped to the crayon blueprint. "And when we're inside, we just have to listen and wait to hear their voices to know where to go."

"That's- surprisingly a well thought out plan." You complimented the girl. However you were young and naive at 13, many things could go wrong but of course you only knew it was for the sake of the adventure!

She went on, "We'll jump down the tower and make our way to the stables to take horses. I gave extra apples to Sugar for her troubles." Sugar, was Elise's horse for equestrian studies and whenever the royal family went around into the city on horseback. "She's just waiting for us."

"Ok. Let's go."

Saddlebags and backpacks were all ready to go, full of random and rather unnecessary things your young minds found cool such as a box of matches, some glowing rocks that were just normal crystals, and some rope, the only thing that may actually be helpful.

Sugar was waiting like Elise promised. She was a quiet horse and loved the girl. It even somewhat understood her when Elise said 'shhh' as she boarded. You struggled to clamber on, lacking the leg or height as Elise did as a human. She had to pull you up, "Geez- you're heavy (Y/n)."

"Thanks." You sarcastically remarked, but of course, you were an imaginative 13 year old pretending that it was just because of your pure strength and muscle weight.

Now, you and Elise were on your way, taking back-roads and alleys through the Soleanna city, navigating away from people who were out past curfew and might spot you.

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