Chapter 8

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Harry stirred, awakening from his sleep. He tried to open his eyes but it was too bright so he quickly snapped them shut. This time he slowly blinked until all that he could see was blurry shapes.

He reached over to the side and felt around for his glasses. When finally finding the thin framed glasses, he gently raised them with shaking hands to his face and put them on.

Now that he could see clearly, Harry saw that he was in a pure white room that looked and smelt clean. Multiple white beds lined the walls, all made perfectly.

As he was taking a look around, Harry noticed that there wasn't anybody in the room with him. He looked to his left to see a large window, he didn't see anything (except shadows) though as the darkness was blocking his view.

After looking at the shadows the moon seemed to make, Harry realised that it must be night time and that his friends were sleeping.

It seemed that the young hero couldn't remember the truly amazing events that occurred the day he passed out.

He tried to move himself into a sitting position but a sharp pain flooded through his chest. He gasped at the pain and went still, hoping it would stop. He looked down at his chest and saw the red blood start to soak through the hospital gown.

He started to panic. There was no one around to help him. The pain getting slightly worse as each second passed by. His breathing started to quicken.

Suddenly, the grand wooden doors started to open very slowly as if the person behind them didn't want to make a sound. He looked to the side and saw it was the youngest Weasley, Ginny.

She started walking towards the side of the bed he was laying in. And that's when Ginny saw him. She saw the pain he held in his emerald green eyes, the way he was gripping his chest tightly.

"Harry?....." she asked hesitantly.

Harry was trying to even his breath but it wasn't working. He tried to speak but he couldn't get anything out. He looked Ginny straight in the eyes, and realisation seemed to hit her.

"Harry ! Are you ok?!?" She asked quietly but loud enough for him to hear it clearly.

Harry just shook his head. He was hurting bad now.

"Do you want me to get Madam Pomfrey?" She asked. He answered with a nod while groaning with pain.

Ginny ran off in the direction of the matrons office while Harry was trying to get control of his breathing once again. The pain was becoming too much.

Ginny came running back into the hospital wing with Madam Pomfrey right behind her. Looks of panic settled on their faces.

"Mr Potter, can you point to where the pain is coming from." Madam Pomfrey asked while doing different spells to see if she could spot what was wrong with the young man.

He moved his hand back up to his chest where the blood patch had gotten bigger than it was before. He put pressure onto it with his hand trying to ease the terrible pain he was feeling.

"Mr Potter, you are going to have to move your hand for me so I can see what is wrong with you."

He took his hand off his chest and saw that it was covered in blood. He started shaking slightly as the pain goes up another level.

When Madam Pomfrey saw the injury, she did a spell that took off the hospital gown but left his bottom half hidden by the blankets. And they saw something horrific.

Blood was flowing from it and there was so much that it ran off the side of his body. It was a large lightning bolt scar, covering his chest.

Hi I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. :))))


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