Chapter 7

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Wren watched with her anger rising. Who in the hell, did her brother think he was? A moment later both the thermic missiles impacted against his ship's shields.

An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother's ship go dark.

"Open a channel Trigon." Wren said.

"Channel open Master Wren." Trigon responded.

"Hey idiot! What's wrong? Can't take it when someone is far better than you? Plus, they have far superior equipment, power and need I say looks? Oh yeah, that's right that's why you have so many followers, you're so damn ugly." Wren taunted her brother.

"You little bitch! You'll pay for that! I want all weapons to fire now, destroy that piece of trash." Thomas was shouting.

"I'm afraid that all weapons are down," came a voice from off screen.

"What!? Get then up now, or you and your entire family won't know another day!" Thomas was almost shouting.

"Tsk, tsk, sounds like someone is having a tantrum. I'll fix that kiss my a..." Wren started to say the started to curse when her brother's ship moved away.

"After them we should be able to completely..." Wren started to curse harder when her brothers ship jumped to hyper space. "Tracking?"

"I am afraid that the shot they got through, has temporarily blinded our long-range sensors. I am effecting repair as we speak." Trigon said.

Wren nodded as she looked over the readings from the wreckage of the ships that had attacked them.

"It appears as if almost all the ships were destroyed. Are you detecting survivors? Are there any more out there that we have to worry about?" Wren asked Trigon.

"You are correct Master Wren; I am reading ninety eight percent of the attacking fleet destroyed." Trigon answered.

Wren was nodding as she was going over other readings. "Have you determined how he was able to get through?"

"I am still analyzing the attack, so far, the only thing I see is that the missiles were out of phase." Trigon replied.

"Out of phase?" Wren asked.

"About the only way to explain it. When we are in hyperspace, we are out of phase with normal space. The same as when we are in trans-warp, we are here though not, as we have phased to that space. It appears that the missiles momentarily went to hyperspace to pass our shields. They, then emerged past our shields, therefore being able to strike us." Trigon tried to explain.

Wren was deep in thought a moment then nodded. "Have you deduced a solution for this?"

"I am using almost total capacity, to compute several viable hypothesis." Trion answered.

Wren was nodding, feeling her anger toward her brother, starting to break through what control she had established. It was slightly easier than when she left though, she was still having control issues.

A sudden voice in her head stopped her a moment. Wren, if you lose control out here like you did on Ceti-5, we might not be able to pull you from the abyss. If you do pass that point, I am afraid that all of us will die painful deaths.

"What!?" Wren said out loud once again startled. "Here, I thought that all of you in there could stop it."

We could, the voice replied. Though, we would have to take control, it is painful when permission is not granted. It could even with you as high as you are, set you back several levels.

"What, so everything I had achieved would be for naught?" Wren asked.

We are ashamed to admit this, there is a way though it goes against almost everything you have learned as a human. It would trample many of the ideas that human kind has for Singularity. With us, we have a group consciousness, we are when we are as one, only one mind, though many thoughts.

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