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What happened while you were unconscious.

Writing with you in it is weird.


You passed put and fell in the water. Duh

James had seen you and Mason fall and started running in the water towards the both of you, hopping to God neither of you died.

Kong on the other hand  was fighting the crawler, he uppercut it making it fall.

Him thinking it was dead, he went towards you and Mason.

He reached for Mason first since she was closest to him.

He reached into the water and grabbed her, lifting her also unconscious body out of the water, out of the water and made to grab you.

Before he could, the crawler, some how it was fine, jumped on him and tried to bite his arm.

It wrapped itself, tail more like it, around Kong and tried to eat Mason.

It wrapped its freakishly long tongue around Kong's arm and swallowed it, all the while James jumped in the water and swam down to get you.

You were sinking g abnormally fast but that was probably due to the wings on your back.

He manoeuvred around them and wrapped his arms around you swimming back up to the surfaces with you in his hands.

'Please don't be dead' he thought as both of you resurfaced.

Kong was wrestling the big one and pulled his hand, along with several organs, out of the crawler.

He put it down and opened his hand to look at Mason, she was covered in gut sauce.

He put her down and gently pressed on her chest.

This was one of the things you'd learned him.

Mason sat up and spit out water that had gotten into her lungs.

She looked at Kong as he briefly looked at her then at you and James.

James was giving you CPR, looking quite desperate and panicked.

Mason looked over to where Kong was looking, she got up and ran to you once she saw you.

James's eyes began to water as he did it again, but you still weren't breathing.

Finally when he did it again, after doing mouth to mouth, you sat up coughing.

Your pov

I sat up coughing and spitting out dirty lake algae filled water.

'Oh disgusting' I thought taking deep breaths.

I hadn't even regained my breath before I was engulfed in a hug by a strong pair of arms.

"Thank God you're ok," said James, "Don't ever do that again," he said as he pulled away.

"Hardly my fault I got whacked by its tail," I said grumpily.

I looked past him and saw weaver walking towards us, she looked relieved upon seeing me alive.

I looked back at him as he gently stroked my face.

I looked him in the eyes and saw years building in them, his hands were slightly shaking.

It looked to me as if he could cry at any moment.

I put my hand on the side of his face, "I'm ok," I said soothingly "Everything's fine, we're all fine."

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