Levi is that you? Pt.1 (Y/n = William)

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I get out of class late and I start to pack all of my things

"Ugh that test was so hard, I can't believe everyone got out before me.."

Groans and finishes packing my things then throwing my bag over my shoulder

"Hmm..weren't all the brothers going to dinner tonight? I'll call mammon and find out."

Pulls out phone and dials Mammon's number

                                                         calling: Mammon my First<33

Mammon: "Yo Yo Yo! Wassap darlin? Where are you, you totally fell asleep during that test earlier! Everyone took pictures haha!"

William: "W-WHAT? Delete them please! but before I get off track I have a question"

Mammon: "Hmm..? What's ya question human? Ya know you can ask me anything!"

William: "We were all going to dinner right? Am I too late..?"

Mammon: "OMGGGG, I totally forgot! We're about to leave in a few minutes-..Yk I could take you out to dinner one on one if ya want?"

William: "Awh man..But that would be nice, let's do it! Let's talk about it more later tho!"

Mammon: "Okayyyy, I'll call you back later!...I love..you..BYEEE"

                                                                                  Call ended

"I- Awh still embarrassed as always..I love you too heh-He probably heard that from the house-"

          I leave the building and walk home, it takes about 20 minutes to get home. 

When I walk through the door I can tell all the brothers had left already. I head down the hall to my room and then head upstairs to Satan's room. 

I needed to get a study book from his room that he had left on the table for me. As soon as I reach his room I hear a faint noise coming from Levi's room. 

I peek around the corner and saw his door cracked open and I heard the background music of Minecraft.

          "Hm? Is Levi Here?" I thought for a brief second but then denied my thought heading into Satan's room.  After about 20 minutes of studying, I heard a faint grunting noise it sounded like Levi when he rages. I pulled my phone out my pocket and opened Minecraft. I saw that Levi was in fact online, I quickly joined his server and just as fast as I had joined I was kicked..-

WilliamTheSheep was kicked

"Wait what the fuck!" I said quietly under my breath, why would Levi kick me?! Did I do something wrong..? No..He's just like this sometimes I thought. Maybe something was wrong though. 

I got up from sitting on Satan's bed and headed out to Levi's room. I had remembered that I didn't need permission to go into his room anymore..so I walked in just to be greeted by a long tentacle slamming the door and pushing me back out of the room onto the floor.

"Levi! I knew it, you are here! Can I come in please?"

 It was silent after I asked that no answer..but then a few moments later I heard Levi speak quietly like he was leaning against the door and said "No Y/n..leave me alone..I know you only spend time with me because you feel bad that a lame excuse of a demon-like me has no friends. It's okay I know you like my brothers more than me..shit, you probably don't even like me.."

I was in shock that he said such a thing and opened the door again to be greeted with instead of his beautiful orange and blue eyes..red and black eyes filled with sadness and under his eyes, there were eye bags..

Thank you for reading it like about the time I write these I've been wanting to for a while lol, I hope you enjoyed it, I post every 3-9 hours, and I don't post at all on Sundays unless you guys get lucky!

Playing games with Levi..? (Levi x M!reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz