The voice on the phone sounded familiar, and she could kind of hear it but it was, which was shocking because it was kinda far away and that's never happened before

But as she was listening in her mouth started to really hurt, and, and—oh my gosh

There was no way. It's impossible. As she started working things out in her head she got distracted and didn't realize Damon hung up

"Zeara. It's about Xila. Ok just sit down and I'll tell you everything that happened."

Even though the teen was trying to figure what was happening to her, those words made her alert and she snapped her head towards him

She didn't fight him or resist, instead she walked to the couch where she first laid and prepared herself. Only one thought was racing through her mind, as tears gathered in her eyes, breathing was heavier and her hands became sweaty

The same thing kept repeating in her head 'please let my daughter be ok' it went on in her head over and over and over. But she knew it wasn't true, she just had to tell herself that Xila was ok

And so even though she had expected it, when Damon told her about Xila's condition she still broke down

When beginning to tell the mother in front of him, Damon had to pause and take a moment as he felt tears, which made Zeara cry even more

"Uh when you were hit the car flew off the bridge and in the water. Luckily Stefan happened to be around and noticed you car get hit. He jumped in to get to Tyler's car and grabbed Xila first. She um..."

The vampire looked down at his clasped hands as tears fell down his face "Even though she wasn't down there for long her lungs are so little and Meredith said water filled her lungs and her lungs reached capacity and technically she began drowning."

Zeara looked at him directly in the eyes even though she was full on crying, but she knew there was more

And there was. Damon took a deep breathe before continuing "When Stefan pulled her out Tyler had just gotten out but uh he left you there."  Hearing that broke her heart even more

"He—he left me......he really just left me there?"Her voice was a whisper and cracked with every word she spoke. She couldn't believe he literally didn't even try to save her

"Yes, and I'm so sorry he did. After Tyler came up Stefan was mad he left you down there but remembered his promise" Damon knew what the promise was but only after the fact, Zeara softly smiled at the fact he kept his word

But really Stefan didn't keep his promise to Zeara. The day before the trial Zeara had asked him to do everything In his power to save Xila completely if there was ever a life and death situation, and it was between Xila and Zeara. She said save Xila entirely before saving her. But he just couldn't do it

"Although he remembered his promise, he didn't entirely follow it. Once Tyler got up there Matt hit the surface so Stefan handed Xila off to Tyler and got Matt then went to to get you. When he got down there you were completely unconscious and stuck, but Stefan was angry, scared, and couldn't let you go so he used everything to save you."

That made the girl sigh and look down. This was a lot to take in, but she had no other choice. With that, Damon continued "I'm guessing you probably I figured it out by now.  Stefan tried  cpr but then Matt told him Elena was down there so he went and got her, and after he got her he called Meredith and quickly told her what happened. Meredith told him that you had vampire blood in your system and that he had to get you out of there, so he did, then the Meredith called the ambulance for Xila and Elena."

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