204. Ceros Dragons

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Class: Faunice

Color: Cream and White

Symbol: Megaloceros Head

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Plains and Forests

Enemies: Saber Dragons and Arcmus Dragons

Blood: Tan

Common Trait: Antlers similar to Blacktail Deer

Ceros Dragons are skittishly cautious and flee at the first sign of danger. They live in groups to keep each other safe from Saber Dragons and Arcmus Dragons. Their antlers are very much like deer antlers. They shed the antlers yearly and regrow them, the larger the antlers, the better chances a male has at getting a mate. Ceros Dragons will use them to fight off predators and battle with each other. Within the group, they don't want to hurt each other, so they stick with using just their antlers. Aside from this they have no magic and no breath element.

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