~Before you Start!~

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Here's what everything means for each page


Each dragon is sorted into a class based on their lifestyle or their element. Sometimes dragons are placed into a category that may not make sense, but reading more into them reveals more than meets the eye


No two Dragoso dragons look alike. One way to tell two breeds apart is the color of their scales. Unless specified, the colors are organized first by main color then secondary color. The secondary color is seen in the dragon's pupils, underbelly, wing membrane, and spikes.


The icon or sigil used to represent the breed. This also helps easily identify each dragon breed simply by their symbol.


Dragons can eat whatever they please thanks to adapting, this category depicts what they prefer the most. All that are listed are as follows:

Aerivore - Air/Gas Eating

Algivore - Algae Eating

Anivore - Soul Eating

Aquavore - Water Eating

Carnivore - Meat Eating

Chemivore - Chemical Eating

Corivore - Heart Eating

Daemonivore - Demon Eating

Dracovore - Dragon Eating

Frugivore - Fruit Eating

Fulgurvore - Lightning Eating

Glacivore - Ice Eating

Granivore - Seed Eating

Herbivore - Plant Eating

Humavore - Human Eating

Ignivore - Fire Eating

Industrivore - Energy Eating

Insectivore - Insect Eating

Lignivore - Wood Eating

Magmavore - Lava/Magma Eating

Mediovore - Fairy Eating

Metallivore - Metal Eating

Metusvore - Fear Eating

Mineralvore - Mineral Eating

Omnivore - All Eating

Osteovore - Bone Eating

Piscivore - Fish Eating

Sanguinivore - Blood Consuming

Saxuvore - Stone Eating

Scavenger - Carrion Eating (Dead things)

Scilivore - Pastry Eating

Somnivore - Dream Eating

Umbravore - Shadow Eating

Vitrumvore - Glass Eating


Or affiliation if that makes more sense. There are four possible affiliations in Dragoso. Good, Evil, Neutral, and Good/Evil (meaning the breed can be both)


Dragons can live wherever they please, this category shows where these dragons can usually be seen in their natural wild habitat or where they love to live.


Obviously dragons have enemies. This category illustrates their worst enemies. Take into account some dragons don't consider a breed their enemy when a select breed considers another an enemy. Does that make sense? No? Example: Storm Dragons consider Thunder Dragons their enemies, but Thunder Dragons don't consider Storm Dragons their enemies.


Dragons don't all have red blood. Some have crazy colors which can be found under this category

Common Trait

Some breeds have very small differences that are unique to the breed that isn't found in other breeds.


This is where you'll find a little more info about the breed including if they can use other means of magic or if they have a breath element.

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