Chapter 49- His princess's birthday

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. I am back!!! Beware, the story will soon come to an end, but I hope you have liked it so far. Thank you for your support. Vote, comment, and follow. Sending love, MMF***

Alya smiled as she watched her best friend almost sprint into the fitting room excitedly. The two had spent the entire morning looking for a gorgeous birthday outfit for Marinette. Adrien had made it clear that they were to spear no expense as long as it meant that his princess would look just like that, a princess. Alya chuckled at the memory of Adrien attempting to push a sleepy Marinette out of the dorm that morning and how he would call almost every twenty minutes to see if they had found something. It was crazy how Adrien could make Mari happy even when he was not around.

Adrien began his first call by wishing his lady a happy birthday and ended it by saying how much he was looking forward to seeing her tonight. The second was to remind her to spare no expense, which Marinette was seeking to avoid, and he was well aware of it. The third was to see how her shopping was going. He again needed to remind her to avoid staring at the prices; after all, he was wealthy. The fourth and most recent call was to tell his princess how much he missed her.

Alya couldn't decide whether she was pleased or slightly envious, in a good way. Adrien was willing to go to any length for Marinette. That's how much he loved her. Alya couldn't believe anyone, especially Marinette, had ever doubted the blonde. She only wished her friend would realize that and come clean to him about her pregnancy. 

Marinette had been thinking about it for the past week, unbeknownst to the brunette. She had been in deep thought all morning. Maybe now was the time to tell Adrien about her pregnancy. She was well aware that the day would have to come shortly. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep it a secret. She had gone to two different doctors' appointments and was on the verge of tears when questioned about the baby's father.

Marinette was well aware that this was not being fair to him. He'd always been so kind and loving to her. Keeping this a secret felt like the biggest betrayal in history. That, plus the fact that Marinette desired Adrien's presence at those times, made her want to confess more than ever. He should be able to see everything, including the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat.

As she tried on the dress, we wondered about Adrien's reaction to her secret pregnancy. She knew he'd claimed he wanted nothing more than to have a family with her, but would he resent her for waiting so long? How did he feel about having a child with someone else's girlfriend?

Marinette let out a sigh. She wondered if it had been a mistake to stay with Luka for so long. It was no secret that the blonde had always held a special place in her heart.

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, Adrien will always and forever be the man she loved. Her heart will always yearn for the blonde model.

Marinette was mesmerized by the gown. She was stunning. She could already picture her kitten showering her with praise. She quickly exited the changing room, eager to hear Alya's thoughts. After all, she wanted to look like the princess her kitty wanted. 

"Oh my God, Mari, you look beautiful. That's it, that is the one," Alya awed in surprise. Marinette had walked out wearing an elegant one-shoulder sleeveless back and red dress. Alya felt tears in her eyes. Her best friend looks gorgeous. Adrien would die when he took a look at his beloved.

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