Chapter 37 - Black as The Night

Start from the beginning

She began to approach me so I closed my eyes and tried to pull Shadow back into the deepest part of my brain. I only opened my eyes again once I knew they would appear normal. 

"I uh.. assume you have some questions about that?" I felt so uncomfortable. How in the moon goddess was I going to explain this one. I can't tell her I am half human and half werewolf which is like having a split personality inside you that you sometimes fight with. Someone who gives you strength and incredible abilities. Someone who transforms you into a wolf. Oh and by the way I'm soon to be the Alpha. Yeah, that's not going to go down well.

"How about I make you a deal?" Alexa began still gazing intently at my eyes like she was waiting to see them change again. "How about I ask you no questions about.. you're eyes, if you ask me no questions about last night?"

That really surprised me. How was she willing to give me such an easy out of this mess? This is a huge deal for her to not want to ask questions. Hang on, there must be something about last night she doesn't want me to know. Something she really wants to keep hidden. Either way I couldn't tell her about my wolf so I had no choice but to accept her offer. 

As we were leaving the shop Alexa stopped abruptly causing me to bump into her. I've been doing that a lot lately, last night with my mate and today with Alexa. When our skin collided I was waiting for the sparks but they never came. "She's.. not our mate." Shadow said saddened by the realisation. We could feel a comfortable warmth and desire to be around her but no sparks.

"Last night can't happen again." Shadow declared. "I won't betray our mate, especially now that I've finally found her." His words were expected but for some reason caused me pain. I wanted Alexa more than I was able to admit out loud. 

A little while later I was in the driver seat with Alexa in the passenger and Ella in the back. 
"So.." Ella began to fill the silence. "Which one of you won tempt last night?" Ella asked looking into the rearview mirror as I glanced up at her.

"Haha, I did of course!!" Alexa said proudly. I smiled at that, and Ella's eyes widened.

"Yeah, yeah but that's only because I let you win. If I had held out a little longer I could have won. It wasn't that long after I kissed you that you were moaning into my mouth." I said with grin and a side glance, watching Alexa blush like she always seemed to do around me. "Don't flirt or lead her on. We need to back away." Shadow said in my mind.

"You kissed her! You never kiss anyone playing Tempt!" Ella stated in surprise. "The only other time you lost, was because you ran out of clothes when Rachel was...." Ella realised what she was saying before she finished her sentence, but it was too late. We both felt the change of atmosphere in the car and it was coming from Alexa. She felt uncomfortable, disappointed and hurt. I was somehow getting a strong clear reading on her emotions much more than normal but I wasn't sure why, and now wasn't the time to focus on that as I needed to do some damage control. 

"What Ella means to say, is it's rare for me to be attracted to someone enough to be willing to lose Tempt." I stated

Alexa looked at me briefly before looking out her window as she spoke. "You really don't have to explain anything to me, it's really none of my business."

Other than explain what happened that night with Rachel, which I really didn't want to do, the only thing I could do was allow awkward silence to take over the car again. Just as the car was put into park I turned to her before she got out of the car. "I'm glad your doing ok, I was worried about you last night and felt bad I couldn't go looking for you. At least Alessia was right and you ended up being safe." I said giving her a small smile.

"You-" Her brows drew together as her eyes were now locked onto mine. "You didn't go looking for me when I disappeared?" I felt the hurt in her as if it was my own heart shattering into pieces. Her pain left me breathless. Her hurt quickly turned to rage but it wasn't directed at me.

"I'm so sorry, I clearly read too much into the game last night and actually thought-" she shook her head before continuing. "but you don't have to worry, it was silly of me to think you cared after only knowing me for a week." She was angry at herself.

"Alexa that's not-" she cut me off.

"I promise that was very out of character for me, and unlike Rachel I am not clingy and know when I'm no longer found enticing." She took a shaky breath in, as she attempted to blink the water away that was welling up in her eyes. "Unless you hear about my brother please do not contact me." She said with a shaky voice as she reached for the door handle, and stepped out of the car. I watched her head towards her front door, unable to realise how I hurt her so badly, and so quickly. 

"Wow I've never seen anyone stuff up that badly before. You managed to hurt her feelings just by trying to say I'm glad your safe. Aren't you going to go apologise before she really doesn't want to see you again?" Ella asked from the back seat leaning between the two front seats.

I sighed. "There's no point, it won't change the future." I said as I turned the key and started the car. 

"What are you talking about! If you leave now she will never forgive you Zander!" Ella all but yelled at me.

"I met my mate last night, it's better this way."

Alexa's POV:

He didn't even go looking for me when he discovered I disappeared. How could I be so stupid to give my first kiss and more away like that! I was so angry at myself for becoming a stupid hormonal teenager like all the other girls I didn't want to be.

After the incredible chemistry and time we had, I honestly thought he would ask me out. I guess not. I really am stupid! How could I let him get into my head and break down the walls around my heart so easily? I spent years perfecting them and they crumbled down so fast for Zander. Even just his name gets my heart racing.

I was mad. Mad that I was having fun and getting lost in all that is Zander, while my brother was hurt, missing or worse. How selfish of me. I promised myself it won't happen again, and I was determined to keep that promise.

A/N: Hope you all liked this chapter, would love to hear what you thought of it! :)

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