Chapter 13

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"I am sorry for your loss, my friend." Bhallar patted the hunter on the back.
Behest unknown to the ex-firsthand, Philitis's heart sank a little at being addressed to as the light-eyed man's friend.

"It's happened months ago; I don't even miss her anymore."

"You are lying. I can tell from experience that the pain of losing a sibling never goes away." Bhallar's eyes swam with tears, but he didn't let them pass their threshold, "Regardless, it doesn't explain why you want to help me or how you know the Siyari."

"When Seben was taken away from us, I started looking for ways to rescue her from Tutuamen's clutches. One day, I heard that every year the best warriors were chosen by Amten to serve Tutuamen; I was determined to join their ranks. I honed my skills, wanting to be the best. It was the only way to guarantee my induction into the royal guards: the ones in charge of Tutuamen's security." The hunter brushed a wayward tear off his cheek; forcing a tight-lipped smile, he continued, "Unfortunately, she was poisoned and died with her son, Sab, on the same night."

As Sharre's firsthand, Bhallar had heard all about it and was aware that Tutuamen had instigated an investigation to catch the culprit, and it had turned out to be a high-ranking soldier: Nexeu.

"After being abandoned by our father, my mother, a born Siyari, returned to her roots; Seben and I spent our childhood with the Siyari."

'That explains Philitis's carefree attitude with them. The Siyari are like his family.' Bhallar concluded, but...

"We left the sect once again when I reached adolescence as I couldn't continue to stay there..." Philitis didn't elaborate further; he cleared his throat, "We didn't stray far though and settled in Vatada, where mama worked as a procurer of weapons for the Siyari. That's how I got acquainted with-"

"Hondo!" The novice bounty hunter exclaimed.

After being tipped off by the blacksmith about Mayeen's whereabouts, Bhallar had wondered why the stranger had been so helpful. The uncertainty in the green-eyed man's voice told him that he was about to receive his answer now. 

"Yes," Averting his eyes, the hunter gawked at his lips before adding, "I told the blacksmith to point you in the right direction," Philitis confessed, "You must have already realized that he specializes in women's armor and weapons."

Yes, Bhallar had realized it- after all, the chest area was a little too large compared to the rest of the armour- but it didn't do anything for his bruised ego.

Heat flooded his cheeks despite the grim situation he had found himself in; the healer coughed to make it sound as genuine as he could, "Yes, I have already figured that out." He muttered under his breath, cursing his unmanly physique for the umpteenth time.

"You looked worried when you saw the poster, and there was concern itched on your face." Philitis shook his head, "You reminded me; to know more about you, and asked around...I stole your purse too, just so-"

Bhallar threw his palm out, interrupting the bounty hunter mid-confession, "You. Stole. MY. Purse!"

Philitis shrugged, "I wanted to get in your good books; I didn't have any other choice."

The ex-physician huffed, "Unbelievable!" and threw his hands up. "Philitis, tell me that you understand that what you did was wrong."

"Your sister- Fuck!" The bounty hunter exclaimed, dismounting from his camel; tugging on the latter's forearm forcefully as he went down, he pulled Bhallar with him. 

The duo hit the sand with a thump.
Without giving the former firsthand any explanation, Philitis took the reins of the two camels in his hand and led them off course; making sure that the camels were hidden, he turned to Bhallar, "I think I saw Khaff and his gang up ahead." He pinched the bridge of his nose and guessed, "The blacksmith must have babbled. is what we will do: you go and save your sister, and I will distract them."

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