Chapter 12

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"The fact that you are homosexual doesn't excuse you from receiving the punishment your act calls for. It's clearly mentioned in the entry zone that men who dare to enter would be castrated and then thrown to dogs."

"In that order, really?" Philitis threw his most charming smile at the woman in blue.

"Yes. In that order." She deadpanned.

"Fuck." The hunter sighed, "Fine. Do what you want with me, but please, let this man leave. He is not my lover. In fact, he is not even a hunter. Look at him. Look at his delicate flower-like..."

"That's not helping, Philitis." Bhallar elbowed the hunter in his ribs; holding the blue-robed woman's gaze, he confessed, "I am a hunter now, but I haven't been one for long. You said that there is a sign warning trespassers at the main entrance about the consequences of entering your sect's land, but what if we didn't enter from there. Look at us," he pointed at their wet visage, "The truth is that we fell into Aari, and she spit us out on your shore. In fact, my friend here almost died twice because he doesn't know how to swim." The ex-physician fell silent and signaled his companion to speak, but the latter opted for silence over confession and pride over eventual pain, or so he thought.

"Whatever be the case, he seems to know who we are and where he has landed. If he was so innocent, he would have approached us instead of trying to hide." The woman countered confidently, narrowing her eyes at Philitis.

"He panicked. As I told you, he almost died. His heart had stopped beating. I was barely able to save him. The incident probably left him disoriented. I can vouch for it. I was the royal physician's firsthand until a day ago."

As soon as the words 'royal physician's first hand' fell from his lips, the advancing hoard of sturdy-looking women stopped.
"Prove it." Their leader, the oldest woman in the group, spoke with an air of authority and refinement.

"Is anyone here suffering from-"

"No. I don't want you to treat my women. Any medicine man can do that. I need you to tell me something only the royal physician's firsthand would know." The oldest woman said, crouching next to Bhallar and Philitis, who were tied to a foot-wide pole that stood proudly in the middle of the courtyard.

Bhallar pondered for a second or two before smiling politely, "I am afraid I will have to disappoint you. As the former firsthand, I am forbidden from divulging anything I might have heard about the royal household. If there is anything else-"

"Very good." The woman interrupted, "It seems you are a man of integrity. We respect the likes of you." She untied him and gestured for him to follow her.

The former firsthand hesitated, "Ma'am, what of my companion?"

"How did you end up with this fool?" The woman demanded, "Is he truly your-" she left her words hanging and shook her head, "Forget that I asked. Come with me. There is someone I need you to meet."

A few minutes later, Bhallar found himself in front of a bed that held a (hopefully sleeping) tall, young girl. The healer rushed to her side instantly, "What happened to her?" He asked, going on his knees, his hand reaching for his medical kit.

"Since you were Sharre's firsthand, I presume you are looking for the run-away concubine too," The older woman stated. Then pointing at the girl, she went on. "She was her companion."

"Companion?" Bhallar raised his brow questioningly.

The woman nodded, turned her gaze on the girl, and spoke softly. "It's safe."

As if she was waiting to hear the very words, the girl in question opened her eyes and sat up. Her pale gray pools saught the older woman's electric blue ones, seeking permission.
The unexpected movement made the light-eyed man stagger back. "She…she."

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