Chapter 36 - Mate

Start from the beginning

I could smell and taste wet damp soil and dying leaves as it clung to my lips, nose and eyelashes. I could feel little sharp twigs and small rocks digging into my legs and stomach. There was a gentle spray of water being carried by a breeze hitting random areas of my body and I could also feel the slow swaying of grass as it tickled the side of my breasts.

It took me a second to realise I was completely naked. The shock of that discovery had me sitting up fast and my head slammed straight into a low hanging tree branch. The type of branch owned by a very old sturdy tree, so needless to say I was the one feeling broken.

My eyes eventually adjusted to the light allowing me to finally take a look at my surroundings. The tree I was laying under actually sat beside a park bench. The water that I felt being carried by the occasional strong gust of wind belonged to a water fountain. The exact same water fountain that stood in the middle of the small town filled with shops.

My eyes widened and I gasped at the vulnerable state I was in. It was very early morning and the sun was already feeling warm, so I knew it wouldn't be long until someone sees me wondering around naked. I quickly stood up leaning against the tree and looked around, deciding on which shop I should nakedly stumble towards. Then I remembered Ella works at one in a secluded alleyway. The same scary alleyway that almost took the life of my best friend and I only five days ago.

I started running in that direction, I really didn't want to take my time and I'm sure if someone saw me they would probably have a heart attack!

When I made it to the store no one was there so I hid behind a small garbage bin that only hid the important parts of my body. After around thirty minutes I could here people chatting and the aroma of coffee in the air. Ella arrived soon after to unlock the doors and dropped the keys when she saw me.

"Oh my goddess Alexa!!! Are you trying to kill me?" She shouted the first part, then whispered the last part, genuinely holding her heart as if it will somehow slow down the fast pace it was beating to.

"Goddess? That's a new one..." I commented.

"What happened to you? Where are all your clothes?" Her eyes widened taking in my dirty, naked appearance. "Here take my coat, she said reluctantly handing it over like it pained her to part with it.

"Thanks Ella, I'm sorry, I had no where else to go. I'll get it dry cleaned." I said motioning to the coat that covered all my important bits.

Ella picked up her keys that she had dropped during her shock and motioned for me to follow her inside. "There is a shower in the back, no offence but you really need it." She laughed. "Oh and I better call Zander and tell him you... turned up. He's been worried sick you know."

I asked her not to tell him anything about how I turned up and she promised she wouldn't say a word to anyone about that, thankfully. I took a hot shower, scrubbing soil, leaves and a few extra things I won't care to mention out of my hair and body. There was quite a few things that decided to hitch a ride while I was hiding behind the rubbish bin. I may have screamed once or twice.

Ella was nice enough to leave me a matching set of black lace bra and underwear, though it was a g-string and I wasn't used to wearing them. It was sitting on top of a beautiful tight blue dress that almost looked a bit like a coat. It looked sexy and classy at the same time. It was sleeveless and had a large collar around the neckline. The cut was lower than I was used to, allowing just enough cleavage to attract wondering eyes. The black lace bra that accompanied it was on show, along with a little belt that hugged my waist, with a gold buckle as the main attraction.

I noticed the tags sitting in the small bin in the bathroom next to a pair of blue heels that matched my dress. I realised it must have been off one of her dress racks. I checked the price intending to pay her back but I almost died when I saw the price. It was three times the amount I had in my bank account. I planned on confronting her as soon as I dried and straightened my hair since she seemed to be very prepared for emergencies for some odd reason.

"Uhh" I looked at my reflection and realised my pendant wasn't around my neck and my neck was sporting some very visible bruises. I was frantically trying to recall last nights events with not much luck. I remember the game we played but after that everything goes fuzzy. I decided to leave it for now and deal with one problem at a time.

"Ella, why did you give me this outfit out of everything you have? I know you have much more cheaper items in here and I wanted to pay you back but... it might take me a few months and that's including all my birthday money!" I said crossing my arms.

She gasped when she took in my appearance. "Oh wow that suited you much better than I expected it to! You look hot!!!" She clapped her hands excitedly and brisk walked towards me. "Oh and no hunny, I didn't dress you up like that, expecting you to pay me back! I'm doing it completely for selfish reasons I assure you. Please keep it as a gift." She said with a cheeky glint in her eye and a smirk gracing her lips.

Just as I was about to ask her what she was up to, the bell near the door chimed signaling a customer. As I turned I froze on the spot.

"Zander?" I gasped out loud.

"In the fle-" He stopped mid sentence with a stunned expression on his face. His eyes wide, intense and... black.

I gasped that time not able to excuse seeing them another time during broad daylight. As his black eyes drank me in, I felt warm tingles erupt where his gaze wondered. They began on my eyes, then my lips and then made their way down my neck where I knew all my bright blue and purple hickeys were hiding under a mountain of concealer I used to cover them up. I thought I did a good job but I guess not.
I swallowed hard when I noticed his gaze descending to the black lace push up bra and cleavage that was sporting out between the low neckline of my dress.

I walked towards him taking tentative steps with my matching blue heels clicking against the floors. Ella also conveniently left me the hardest and most expensive shoes to walk in but they did make my legs look amazing. I was now examining his eyes and I heard him gasp when he realised why I was looking at him the way I was.

My head tilted to the side and my breathing stopped. My eyes were curious and questioning. He immediately closed his eyes and his hands turned to fists as he took long slow breaths. Don't ask me why I didn't scream or freak out by his eyes, but for some reason I knew Zander would never hurt me.

"I uh... assume you have some questions about that..." Zander coughed to try and cover up his discomfort.

A/N: If you liked this chapter please vote and comment, it really helps my book reach other readers. Thank for reading!

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