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For years I studied the theory of alternate realities with my friends Jonathan and Alex, pondering the possibility of other universes beyond our own.Alex and I were all students at London University, and were getting degrees in astrophysics , and we were curious about the possibility of other dimensions and World outside our own.Then, we found the tesseract. One night while we were camping, we saw a bizarre light above the nearby hills, and as we watched, we realized it was a flying saucer. As we watched, it began flaming. The flames left higher on it, and add the moment it exploded. Fiery debris rained down around us and the whole hillside was burnt to ash. We headed  over to the burned hill the next morning to find a black box with strange symbols on it. We took at home and experimented with it, and when we clicked it, it turned on, emitting a bizarre glow around us. As we let it glow, the environment around us began to shimmer, like it was full of hot air or steam. I didn't mind, since the sound was relaxing and the glow was warm but Alex panicked and shut off the device with his hand on the main circle on top .I was pissed off and after they left , I reactivated the device in my room. As a laid down to sleep the sound soothed me, and made me feel warm inside beyond belief.

Every Morning I Wake up In An Alternative UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now