Bokuaka headcanon

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Bokuto had once again thrown his jumper while walk on court to the rest of the team. From behind Akaashi caught his jumper and and gently placing his two cold bare hands in the pockets.

The name 'Fukurōdani' was shining brightly from the back of the jumper. "HEY, HEY, HEY AGAASHI! Are we gonna practice? Bokuto yelled from the other side of the net, in return Akaashi nodded his head and hurried to the benches to put Bokuto's jumper down.

After practice the team was told to leave early since they were leaving early the next day and heading to Nekoma for a few practice matches. As Bokuto left with his things Akaashi had noticed their jumpers still neatly folded on the bench, as soon as he saw them he ran over and put them both in his bag.

"See you tomorrow Bokuto-san," he waved as he walked in the opposite direction "BYEE BYEE AGAASHI!" he yelled back towards the dark haired boy.

The next day as Akaashi walked into the gym it was very obvious to the team that Akaashi had a change in his style. Laying on his shoulders was an oversized Fukurōdani jumper and another in his hands. He walked towards the team and greeted everyone respectfully like usual.

Soon Bokuto came crashing in the gym with his everyday smile, a big bright one, the only one to warm up Akaashi's heart. "HEY HEY HEY EVERYONE!" He yelled running into the gym towards the others. "Morning" they all said in unison, a few seconds later the team walked outside and was struck by the icy cold wind blowing in their faces.

Bokuto hugged Akaashi from behind and walked to the bus squeezing Akaashi's arms. He leaned down and smelt the jumper expecting to smell the original smell of lavander and raw sugar, but in suprise he only smelt the scent of his cologne. "Akaashi," he wispered in a soft charming voice, "are you wearing my jumper?" He asked in that same tone as before.

Before Akaashi knew it he was blushing, embarassed that Bokuto had noticed the small change he had made. "yes.." he hesitated before continuing "How'd you know?" He asked quietly before climbing onto the bus. Bokuto shrugged in reply to the other males question. "Do you like it?" Bokuto asked after they started driving (reminder that it's really early and the sun has t come up yet)

A small smile appeared on Akaashi's face as he nodded slowly, yawning slightly as well. "You can slee-" Bokuto was cut off by a light head falling softly on his shoulder; Akaashi asleep. The lights though the city shown bright on Akaashi's face making Bokuto simp for the younger even more. Without thinking Bokuto leaned forward and gave Akaashi a small kiss on the cheek before falling asleep as well; dreaming about his gigantic crush on Akaashi.

 Without thinking Bokuto leaned forward and gave Akaashi a small kiss on the cheek before falling asleep as well; dreaming about his gigantic crush on Akaashi

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