Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 4

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Though a certain pinkish red-headed girl wasn't about to let a chance to tease her fellow tankery member pass by. "Wow, I always thought you were so sure-handed Miss Assam, never knew you to be a klutz."

"Miss Rosehip, please refrain from making such comments. It was an accident nothing more," Orange Peko said, trying to calmly scold her first-year tank commander.

"I...I...I'm very sorry for the destruction of that expensive cup. I've shamed the St. Gloriana motto to never spill an ounce of tea in any situation," Assam said, while bowing in her seat to her commander, who was sitting on a 19th-century white color sofa watching the match on the wall-mounted T.V. in their office.

Darjeeling simply took an elegant sip of her tea with her eyes close, then lower it back onto the saucer she was holding in her other hand noiselessly and gracefully as she always did, then turn to look her gunner of her Churchill Mk 4 with open eyes and an elegant smile on her lips.

"My dear Assam, may perchance you drop that tea in a fit of jealousy?" Darjeeling teased.

", but only a little," Assam said, blushing in embarrassment, as Darjeeling read her like a book, but that was to be expected of her observative commander.

"Here's a quote from Francois de la Rochefoucauld you might like: Jealousy lives upon doubts. It becomes madness or ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty," Darjeeling said, trying to quell her friend's agitation.

"I understand Miss Darjeeling. Sorry to be ungraceful by having such thoughts of jealousy," Assam, placing her hands in her lap to bow once again to her commander in apology.

Darjeeling just chuckle a bit, then spoke. "I understand your feelings, we are only human. We are prone to have them, even the most fortitude of minds will have fall to such emotions. If anything I'm a little glad you feel this way."

"You do?" Orange Pekoe said, just standing up from finishing her cleanup work.

"Yes, if anything our dear Assam wants to make such an accurate shot, like that first-year gunner under Miss Nishzumi's command, am I right?" Darjeeling ask, looking directly at Assam.

"Yes, Miss Darjeeling," Assam said solemnly.

As always, Darjeeling knew what stir in the heart of her close friends, which went double for her gunner who she needed to be in synch with during a match at all times. The reason for the dropping of the teacup, was because the four girls in the room had just witnessed the Tiger 1 of Chi-Ha-Tan make an insane sniper shot from over 1500 meters on a fast-moving target. Not even the best ace gunners of Sensha-do had made such a shot, and with it being done by a first-year, would obviously make some of them jealous. Which for Assam who had always been considered an ace gunner on par with Naomi of Saunders and Nonna of Pravda, only made her want to match this first-year gunner of Chi-Ha-Tan.

"Ah, why are you getting jealous of a first-year? You're like the ace of aces," Rosehip again tease.

"Have some respect you wh-," Assam began to retort but was cut off.

Rosehip cut in. "All of the tankery members in our club know you're the greatest ace gunner around, add in the spy work you do to make sure we're ready for any opponent, you got no equal Miss Assam."

That made Assam blush with the praise being laid on her, making Darjeeling and Orange Pekoe chuckle at how flustered she was by a first-year nonetheless.

As the chuckling die down, Orange Pekoe spoke up. "She is right, though Miss Rosehip said it in a less than graceful manner."

Rosehip simply shrug at the comment.

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