Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 3

Start from the beginning

In the short time after her arrival to the school carrier and joining the team, Miya had been part of the modernist group who wanted to change Chi-Ha-Tan's ways, but didn't dare to go against their upperclassmen that had been set in the old ways, before they change. That change happen when Miho join the team officially, even if there had been some initial push back to her more modern ideas, the team finally took hold of these new tactics that had propelled them to two wins.

Yet Miya and most the first years had all been watching from the stands, though happy to celebrate their upperclassmen's success, all of them were chafing at the bit to get into the fight. To prove they could stand tall with their big tankery sisters, and now the chance was here, right in front of them. In most cases, first years in Sensha-do would be nervous, but for Miya and her fellow first years, all they wanted to do was get put into the chaos and earn their veteran badges.

Don't worry commander, I won't let you down

Miya thought, as she continue to scan the road from the bushes. The land here was mostly flat earth, with some odd bushes or low-hanging trees here and there. The sky was still its gloomy self with overcast, and a chill in the air, making Miya glad that commander Miho had the girls wear dark yellow leggings to keep warm, and that match their tankery skirts as well.

The sudden sound of a twig snapping made Miya turn around to see her secondary loader and radio operator coming up to her now, keeping to a crawl, so they wouldn't be spotted by the enemy.

Her name was Akoto Maekawa, a short girl, sporting a long pixie brown hair cut, with deep steel eyes. With a very skinny build of a body and a pale complexion. The girl crawl close till she was even alongside her tank commander hiding under the bushes.

Even on her stomach, Akoto saluted her tank commander, then drop the salute to speak. "New orders came in."

"New orders?" Miya ask in a perplex tone.

"Yes, seems Oarai isn't playing to our tune. They've sent their air force against Nishi's Kampfgruppe, with Oarai and those American tankers moving to break their scouts out of our encirclement," Akoto relayed.

"Damn," Miya said as she clench one of her fists in frustration. "So what are our new orders?"

"Commander wants us to keep watching this road, Oarai will most likely use it to get around our team's western flank, she also wants us to still take out the first tank in the column. Yet she added in that we must hold our ground as long as practicable," Akoto said, with excitement in her voice about a possible fight.

"What do we do if we need to retreat?" Miya ask, wanting every detail to be clear to her.

Pulling out a map from her tankery jacket, Akoto laid it in front of them to see, as the secondary loader explain, "If we have to fall back, the commander says were to head to point 0345."

"There is a river there though?" Miya question, using her finger to find the point that indicated a small river nearby.

"Yes, she wants us to head over the bridge there. Uenishi is going to come to support us with the Type 3 Ka-Chi," Akoto stated.

Miya nodded at that, "alright, lets g-."

The Type 5 Na-To tank commander stop talking, as she could hear tank engines in the distance. Shifting her body while in the prone position, Miya brought up her binoculars to take in the sight of the tank column coming down the road to the south. Just coming off a slight bend in the path, a gray color Type 3 Chi-Nu came down the road first, followed by a dark green A43 Black Prince, and lastly a light brown Panzer 4 Ausf H with armor skirts. The column came down the road slowly, but were also lax with their security keeping their guns forward at the moment, maybe thinking they were safe.

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