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Jensen POV

We are sat in the doctors office waiting to be seen, I could feel the nerves radiating from Katie. She has been sick most of the morning and hasn't slept well either. I don't know if it's because of the baby or because of peters sister but something is definitely going on with her and she won't talk to me.

"Miss Richard's" we look up and the doctor is smiling at us. We follow her to the office and she sets Katie up on the table for the ultrasound.
"So is this the first baby?"
"For us yes but we both have children from previous relationships"
"I have twins. Is there a possibility for that to happen again?"
"Around 75% but let's just have a look and see before we start to panic okay"
Katie nods and I hold her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. I didn't even think about the fact she could be carrying twins again.

"Right, let's have a look." She starts to move the stick around Katie stomach. I can see her frowning at the screen.
"Is everything okay?"
"I'm not sure, just give me a second okay. I just need my colleague to come and have a look okay?"
We nod and she brings another doctor in who looks at the screen as the first doctor moves the stick around. He nods to her and they move the stick and turn off the screen.

"I'm so sorry. There isn't a heartbeat. It looks like your miscarrying"
Katie looks up at the ceiling, she doesn't say anything, she sits up wipes off the gel and walks out. I don't know what to do or say. I look to the doctors "I'm so sorry Mr Ackles"
I nod and shake the doctors hand "is there anything we need to do?"
"No. It should happen naturally. She will be in pain for a few days"
"Okay. Thank you"

I walk out and I can't find Katie anywhere. I try calling but her phone goes to voicemail.
'Baby, please call me. We need to talk. I love you'
I get In the car and drive around trying to find her. She can't have gotten far. I ring her mum and tell her what happened. She asks me if I want her to tell the twins. I say no, I think it's best if we tell them.

After 3 hours of driving, I still can't find Katie. I head back home and the twins are sat in the living room. I make my way to the kitchen and Sandra comes and hugs me.
"Jensen I'm so sorry"
I nod "I'm just worried about Katie. I can't find her anywhere"
Danny walks in "where is mum?"
"Im not sure mate. We got some bad news. Come and sit and I'll explain okay"

I sit with the kids and tell them about the baby, they cry and I hold them. They decide to go up to bed and Sandra helps them.
Im sat downstairs, staring at my phone hoping to hear from Katie. I don't know where she has gone and I'm worried what she is going to do.

My phone rings and startled me awake, I look at the time and it's past midnight. I answer and it's Jared
"Hey J, Katie is here and she is in a bad way"
"Okay. Im coming"
I hang up and wake Sandra up to let her know, she decide to stay and she agrees to stay with the kids while I go get her.

As I pull to Jared house, I start to think the worst. I knock on the door and Jared opens it, pulling me into a hug as I walk in.
"Im so sorry man"
"Thank you"
I walk into the living room and I see Katie sat on a chair, a blanket wrapped around her and she is staring at a picture of Odette.

I kneel down in front of her "baby?"
I move some of her hair out of her face and she looks at me. She looks so lost.
"I'm here. You scared me"
"I'm sorry........I'm so sorry" I see tears starting to fall.
"You have nothing to be sorry baby"
She moves towards me and wraps her arms around my neck. I sigh with relief and hold her close. I gently pick her up and sit in the chair, setting her back on my lap. She places her head In my neck and cries.

I don't know how long we are sat there for but Katie finally falls asleep. So I say my goodbyes and thank yous to Jared and I take Katie home.
I walk up to her room, her cradled in my arms, Sandra cries seeing her daughter so broken. I place Katie into bed and cover her gently with a blanket. I strip down and get in behind her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. I whisper to her "I love you. I'm here"

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