Guess what?

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Jensen POV

Katie had been pretty rattled since her encounter with Peters sister. She couldn't seem to relax, she was constantly worried that she would show up at the house and do something. So I've been staying with her and the kids so it will help her to feel safer. Today is the day we are telling the kids about the baby, we have had some T-shirts printed with big sisters and big brothers on.

I've picked up JJ and the twins from Danneel, before I left I told Dee the news and she was beyond happy for us. Even though me and her didn't work out she is still an amazing woman, she is an amazing mother and she is such a wonder friend to me and Katie. She is always supporting us and I love that we can have that kind of relationship.

Once all the kids have been fed and are sat in the living room. We take in there gift bags and they look at us confused. The twins aren't interested, so they crawl over to there toys.
We tell JJ, Lizzie and Danny to open there gifts and as they pull out there T-shirts they look at them and then looked over at me and Katie. Complete shock on there face.

"Your having a baby?" Lizzie asks
"We are is that okay?"
She smiles and runs to us, wrapping her arms around both of us and we both laugh.
"So your happy?"
JJ and Danny come over to join the hug too. They all let us go and stand in front of us.
"As long as it's a boy I'll be happy. There are too many girls in this house"
I laugh "I'm with ya there buddy"
I high 5 him and Katie smacks my arm lightly.

After all the excitement the kids settle down with a movie while Arrow and Zep take a nap. Katie is in the kitchen, she has been quiet since we told the kids about the baby and I don't know what's going on in her head.
I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.
"You okay?"
She nods, I turn her face to look at me and I see tears falling down her cheeks.

"Baby, what's wrong?"
"There happy tears I promise"
She wraps her arms around me and I hug her tight.
"I'm so happy the kids are excited and even though I'm still scared about all of this, I'm excited too"
"Me too baby. I can't wait to meet this little one"
We stand in silence for a while and then I pull away so I can look into those beautiful brown eyes of hers.

"So I've been thinking...."
"Oh god that's never good"
"Haha so very funny. Seriously....I've been thinking about our living situation"
"Well we are having a baby together, I love you and I don't see a future without you...."
"Please tell me your not proposing?"
I laugh "No. not yet anyway. I was going to suggest moving in together?"
"But Neither one of us has room for all of us"
"So what if we found a house together? A big enough one for all 6 kids and us?"

Katie looks a little shocked, I start to think I'm pushing too much until she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into a extremely arousing kiss.
As she pulls away she smiles at me "that sound wonderful"
"Yeah. We are a family J, all of us and we should be under one roof"
I kiss her "good. I'll contact my realtor tomorrow and see what she can find us"
"Sounds perfect"

We have some dinner and get all the kids ready for bed. We decide the bigger 3 can sleep in the living room while the twins have a bedroom. It's just easier at the moment. Everyone is settled, Katie and me are sat out the back, on the decking. Everything is calm and peaceful and I can see the happiness radiating from Katie.

"I'm going to have to talk to Eric about the pregnancy. With us filming season 15 soon, he needs to know"
I look over and she is already looking at me.
"Of course. Maybe they could write it into the story?"
"Are you sure your okay?"
"J, I'm happy I am. I'm just still worried about Billie. What if she comes back?"
"I'm here and I'm not going to let her hurt you okay"

She nods and leans over to kiss me.
"My appointment for the doctors is on Tuesday. Will you come with me?"
"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss it baby"
"Hmmm I love you"
"I love you too"
We talk for a while longer before going to bed, she curls up next to me on my chest and falls into a peaceful sleep. I've not been this happy in so long and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

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