i built a friend

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I love this song, and because I found my missing book, I can continue the other series I have. I just wanted to make this because I love this song-


I was lonely. There was no one with me anymore.

So I built a friend. I built him but I never got to name him. I never got to name him...

I built him in on my table in the den, out of three pieces plastic and my pen. I gave him my old cell phone as his head. Something inside me just felt so alive when he first turned on. And so, I didn't feel lonely anymore. I knew then, that we'd do everything together.


After so long of being with each other, we had spent all the holidays with each other. We put presents in stocking for each other on Christmas, together we bought bolts, so many things and strings. We even bought him a watch, that's what I remember him getting. There was joy and laughter and we spent everyday as if it was our last. It was like time was persevering this moment for us.

And we had so much fun whenever we were by each other's side, inside, we both knew that we'd be friends forever, for the rest of our lifetime.

We had so much fun together...


But reality was still there, time could do nothing about it this time.

I had to leave for college in September, we wept because we knew we couldn't be be together then. I wept, but I kept pictures to my remember my old friend. My dearest old friend.


Then at graduation, I met a girl. I met a girl and we had so much fun together. Just like me and him. I didn't realize then but, I was slowly forgetting my oldest creation I had made. Me and the girl had done everything that we used to do before. Telling myself that I'd promise myself to see him next vacation and I'd send my best.

As time went on, we had so much fun together, we spent everyday like it was our last. Just like how we thought time was preserving the moment. And it did. But... this time, it wasn't me and him. It was me and her. It was me and her while my old friend sat there, all alone. He was lonely, just like how I used to be. I kept telling myself: "I promise this time I'll see him."

So I finally decided, maybe it was time to go home on this vacation.


I came home. I finally came home.

I came home to old and nostalgic feeling memories, looking at the walls, I remembered everything. She wasn't there with me this time. But I remembered the stocking, the bolts, the things, the string, even the watch we bought... I walked around, but he wasn't there. He wasn't there when I looked. It was the last place I'd looked when I found him.

And so, I looked in the den. Back where it all started. He was there. There on the table, with a note, scribbled out in pencil it wrote:

"I just wasn't stable all alone... all... alone"

Next to him, there sat and empty glass of water. And empty glass of water that spilled on him. He spilled on himself. I heard a fizzle and pop before it killed. Before it killed...

And we thought we'd be friends forever, we had so much fun when we were together. When we were still together. Even if I remade him, it wouldn't be the same. He wouldn't have the memories that we made together before, he would say the same things, but he wouldn't be able to remember anything we did.

And in the end, I hugged him. I hugged him tight. I was now, truly alone. Now there really wasn't anyone with me anymore.

In the end, I Built A Friend.


A story by _Lynxo_ on Wattpad

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