Chapter 2

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Duuuun Duuuuuun Duuuuuuuuun I'm back baby! (I mean "I" as MeggoMyEggo the former xxMeganElizabethxx! User name change!!) Okay, I'm gonna pour every bit of me into this, but in advance sorry if it's not my best! The girl laying on my legs if throwin' me off some!!

(Note:: This chappy is a BIT religious. These may or may not be my beliefs, I am NOT trying to convert anyone, this is simply Hope's beliefs.)

Chapter 2

"I'm sorry Hope, you have Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia" Then the doctor turned and walked out the bleak hospital room, leaving his cold monotone words behind.

Leukemia? As if on cue, I rushed to the bathroom and vomited. Laying my head against the side of the cool toilet, I cried. I cried out everything bad in my life. 

Then a thought crossed my mind, How will I say goodbye?

I can't. Should I just disappear?

I left the question without an answer, I truly didn't know. I know me being on this Earth didn't make a difference, so shouldn't a goodbye be a simple "I'm dyeing?". 

Tears poured out at the thought of dyeing. I had never been religious, but now I was one-hundred percent positive there was a God. I know any other person would be thinking the exact opposite as me, but I had a life. A beautiful one at that. Not many get a roof over their heads, or food in their mouths. I'm thankful for just that.

So I closed my eyes, that were still framed with water, and prayed. Prayed for everyone, everyone but me that is. I knew that if God let me have such a nice life, I didn't need a pleasant afterlife.


(A/N I know it's short, but this chappy is needed in the long run!! And I didn't want to stuff it up by stretching it out and out and out, so I made it short and sweet. 

Again I am not converting anyone, this is just Hope's views)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2011 ⏰

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