6. Unexpected Meetings!

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       'A large house! In the forest?' Cuphead thought, and noted; his curiosity dragging him closer and closer to the house. It was a bright red cottage, surrounded with plants on some areas. He couldn't tell if they were natural or not, but they looked very pretty none the less!

       A bench was present, which Cuphead took a seat to. 'This bench is so comfy.. I can take a nap! Maybe I should..? But, I should find out who's house this is first. Maybe I can get a friend or somethin'?' Cuphead was a little hesitant on the last part, but he was determined to find out this mystery. He got up and away from the bench and began to walk to the door.

         Knock, Knock! Was all that could be heard. But, after 5 minutes, you could hear footsteps walking towards the door! The door slowly begins to creak, to see our lovely Y/N! Dressed in a dark brown frog themed shirt, and a white jumper, along with some classic slippers, was surprised to see Cuphead again. ' Y/N?! What are you doin' here?' Cuphead shouted in extreme shock, before you could say anything.

          ' I live here..? What are ya' doing this deep in the forest, at this hour?? It's 7 pm. ' You said looking quite confused. 'What are THEY doing here?? I'm not sure if I can handle the energy I got the first time we met again..  'How did they even get here? ' was some of the many thoughts going on in your head.

          ' I.. Um.. I n-needed a break, and I usually come to the forest to calm me down.. Why are you living in the forest..?' Cuphead said while red slowly began to rise on to his cheek. Nervousness was all that could be seen. ' I guess because I can? It's very pretty around these areas. If you want to..byou can uh.. come in. ' you said with a slight discomforted tone.


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