A Time of Magic: Part 1

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           The Great Dragon, Kilgharrah, is a creature of magic. A creature of wisdom and foresight. Of myth and legend Very much a rarity, but shared commonalities with his kind. There was a time when the Great Dragon soared high over Camelot; however, such a time was over two decades ago, when magic and myth prospered. Since the Purge against the Old Religion, The Great Dragon was treated like a prisoner; chained away by King Uther Pendragon. His kind was once welcomed, but all because of the King's secret, all dragons were hunted and killed, and all magical beings and practice of incantations and enchantments were banished; said to be executed on-site...because there is a secret in the walls of the kingdom of Camelot, and king Uther is to blame for the destruction of a once peaceful land.

           King Uther was a man of great emotions; love or hate. When magic was welcomed in the kingdom, all creatures lived in harmony. Uther was once in favor of magic. He saw it as a means to obtain his desires.

           When he was but a young king, Uther sought after Ygraine De Bois, a woman of fine beauty and grace. He wished to marry her and make her his queen, but his fate wouldn't allow it to be, for she was already wed to the Duke of Cornwall. Knowing this, Uther was trapped in his jealousy and anger. That was until he came up with an idea. His court physician, Gauis, had introduced Uther to a High Priestess, who soon became a close friend of Uther. Her name is Nimueh.

           As a High Priestess, Nimueh was talented in controlling the elements, deceiving appearances, and was rumored to have power over life and death. With her great powers, Uther appointed her as a close friend, often looking to her for advice.

           When he caught word that his Ygraine was married off by her father to that old, bumbling Duke, Uther rushed to Gaius to send for Nimueh as soon as possible. Once Nimueh faced the King, he expressed his frustration. After all, how could a woman like Ygraine be dragged to marry a man of lower social status? How could a duke compare to a king? Ygraine deserved the finest in life, and Uther knew he had the fine-makings of a wealthy and prosperous king. Nimueh supported the King and devised a plan.

NIMUEH My Lord, in three days' time, the Duke will be leaving Lady Ygraine by her lonesome to battle at the border of Essetir and Cornwall. There, he will fight valiantly, but he will meet his doom... if you ensure he does.

KING UTHER Good Nimueh, what do you mean?

NIMUEH I have seen the Duke's fate, and there are many paths in which he has felt the cold steel blade of a sword pierce his heart. That is the path we desire, yes?

UTHER Nimueh! You're suggesting I am to kill the Duke?

NIMUEH My Lord, it is not you who will do the killing, but Cenred.

UTHER But how am I to be a part of this to obtain Ygraine's hand?

NIMUEH Foolish King! Send word to Cenred that you wish to send your finest men for battle.

UTHER Why would I do such a thing? Cenred is a crook and a con man. He could be after my Ygraine as well.

NIMUEH He is most certainly not, my lord. I have seen it. What he wants is a battle and nothing more. After he has won, he will raid Cornwall and retreat to his rightful kingdom, but he cannot do so without your alliance, my Lord. He will let you keep sweet Lady Ygraine, who would have no choice but to marry you, Sire.

UTHER Very well, Nimueh. I shall give Cenred my hand in this battle. Three days. That is all, you may take your leave.

           So, Uther had his messenger send news of his assistance in the battle to Cenred, who jumped in glee. As Nimueh predicted, Cenred had no pleasure for Ygraine. His eyes lay elsewhere; to the unborn child of Lady Vivienne, who he would wait for 20 years. It was his destiny, as Nimueh expressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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