Chapter Two

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"Here already, Leon?" I grinned at the challenger.

"Well, your gym challenge wasn't exactly hard, I already figured what it was," He told me as he shook my hand.

"How do you know I didn't go easy on an old friend?"

"Cause you wouldn't do that, now would you?"

I shrugged, "Guess I can't say! How about we get to the battle already?"


After a while, the dust finally fell. I saw my dearest Pokémon, an Umbreon named Ahmya, Lying on the ground. I supposed I'd lost. I walked over to meet him, shaking his hand and grinning.

"Well, see ya later I guess!" I handed him the gym badge, and smiled before walking back to meet the next challenger.

An image of a girl with orange hair cheering and jumping up and down with her Yamper next to her was where my recollection ended. I honestly didn't know if it was that I'd only recalled up until then when I saw the uniform, or if I'd been distracted from my memory by the sudden intense pain of a needle through my already burning flesh. I flinched, But the doctor didn't seem to notice, and the stabbing (unfortunately) continued. I was sure I'd be grateful sooner or later, but right now, I wanted this to be over.

Eventually, the seemingly endless stitches were done... and it was onto supporting the broken bones. In this era, apparently that was wrapping the leg in bandages, and tying a stick to those bandages. I could walk that way though, just not bend my legs. Like... at all. For my ribs... more bandages. For my arm, well, you can probably guess. Yeah, more bandages.

"Okay, you're all good to go!" She smiled at me and turned to leave, but I grabbed her sleeve and she looked back to me. "Y-yes?"

"Ma'am? Will I be able to leave this village soon?" I pleaded.

"Not without assistance, no. Why?"

"Oh... it's nothing, I guess..." She seemed confused, then shook her head and left.

"Are you gonna be okay?!" Melli came running in and jumped up to hug me. He was just like my little brother... who was that again?


"Nee-san?" I looked down at the young boy in the oversized coat, as he reached up and tugged on my sleeve.

"What's up?"

"I-I hope you win! You... you better not lose! You gotta beat Leon, Nee-san! A-and Sonia too! I know you can do it." I smiled and ruffled his already messy short hair.

"You got it! Your big sister can beat any challenger! Cheer the loudest for me, alright?" I showed him a bright smile, and then turned to walk out to the field. As I walked out, I could already hear him cheering for me. He had always been there to cheer me on, and it felt nice knowing he always would. I saw flashes of a few more people. A girl with black pigtails jumping up and down with a small Pokémon. A boy about the same age as my brother. A boy my age ranting about something or another while I tried to do his hair in some weird over the top style he wanted, stopping to yell at him for moving around to much. Right! I would always have all these people, and even more, on my side.

I felt lucky. I was truly blessed to have so many people who cared about me.


"(y-y/n)?!" The purple haired boy tilted his head and shook me to get my attention. "Are you okay?"

"Oh," I snapped back to reality. "Of course, I just spaced out. You reminded me of something..."

"I-I'm so sorry! I-"

"Don't be, It was a good memory," I smiled at him lightly. But I still wondered. Who were the people I had seen that cared about me so much? And why could I still not even remember my own kid brother's name? Did it have something to do with whatever brought me here? This memory seemed to be about five years ago... was I... happy then? All I remembered as I fell through that rift... was pain. The only emotion I felt was a sort of hopelessness. Like the emptiness of wanting something that never truly could be, and maybe never truly was, yours. Those people... had something happened to them? Was... was it my fault?

Despite the bright smile of reassurance I gave to the people in front of me, I felt a sinking feeling. What if something had happened to me because of them? Or... what if I wasn't really the person I thought I was?  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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