"Why, should I do it again?"

"You know, I don't remember you being this feisty."

"And I don't remember you being this- smiley." My left eyebrow raised up.

"It's been years. A lot of things are different about me." He turned halfway around to fill the cups, then took a seat across from me afterwards and handed me a cup. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Anything different?"

"Everything since becoming a mum." I smiled. "Literally everything." I shook my head.

"Dom seems like a good kid."

"Oh, don't let him fool you. As soon as he's comfortable, he will turn this house upside down."

Dimitri looked down as he smiled, weirdly he seemed shy. "Are you seeing anyone?" He partly placed his left hand over his mouth as his elbow rested on the hard counter of the island, his eyes now directly staring into mine.

"What, Anthony hasn't filled you in on my love life?" I took my lower lip between my teeth to keep myself from letting out a laugh.

"I'm not some kind of stalker if that's what you're thinking."

"Never said you were." I blew into my cup and sipped the coffee.

He tapped his cup, "So, are you?"

I inhaled, "No. Been too busy job hunting and— uhh taking care of Dom. You know, I mean," I paused for a millisecond. "I've tried. Went on a few dates, but that's about it."

"Job hunting?" his eyebrows hugged. "You own shares to M.A.D. You have money, if you want it."

"Are you seeing anyone? Married, engaged, crazy girlfriend?" I stayed on the subject.

"No ring." He flashed me his left hand, "None of the other either."

"Casually sleeping around working better for you?" I took a few more sips.

He smiled, licking his lips, "I'll be honest. I did try it. But I need more than that. I want more than that." Dimitri stated in a serious tone.

"Hope you find what you're looking for."

"How long are you guys staying?" He drank some of his coffee.

"Five days. I only got a week off."

"At least she'll get to see you both."

"Is there really nothing else that can be done?"

"I keep hoping that there is," he leaned back, "but realistically, I know that there isn't. Besides, she's too weak for another round of chemo. It would be like taking a risky chance, knowing that there isn't actually one."

"I wish I knew this sooner. She should've said something. You should've said something." I put emphasis on the 'you'.

"How could I when I was supposed to stay away?" His question invited silence to accompany us for a moment that quickly passed.

"Doesn't matter, we're here now." I yawned. "I should get back to Dom. He'll wake up as soon as the sunlight touches him." I climbed off the chair. "Thanks for the coffee." I drank the remaining liquid.

"Your blanket." His voice stopped me from walking off. I watched as he picked it up from the floor and when he straightened himself, he moved my hair to the side to slip the blanket underneath it, hanging it over my shoulders. A small gasp left my lips when I felt his fingers graze against the back of my neck, causing me to divert my eyes which he was not having. "Don't." He lifted my face by softly grabbing onto the side of my neck, making me look at him. With his other hand he pulled me closer to him by my waist. "How am I supposed to make up five years in five days? Hhm?" He frowned. "How can that ever be enough?" I felt his lips move against mine.

Creed of the Leviathan IIWhere stories live. Discover now