Tour of The School

Start from the beginning

"I-I mean..I'm sorry..I d-don't have to..."

"No no no! I'm so happy when you call me that Hoon!" he replied "don't be hard on yourself all the time"

Before he could protest, he felt a something big hit my head. It was a football. "Sunghoon! Are you okay!!" Everyone shouted making me jump

"Yah! Who kicked the ball!!" Beomgyu boomed

"Oops, sorry I didn't mean to" said the voice while coming over "oh Sunghoon!? Are you alright?"

"Do you know this person Hoon?" Hueningkai asked

I nodded "h-his name is Jake"

"Yeah, long time no see" he said helping me up "what are you doing here for?"

"We're doing a tour for Sunghoon since he's new" Soobin replied

"I see" Jake said "well if you're ever on the 2nd floor in the science department. Room 247 is my favourite classroom"

"We'll keep that in mind, thanks" Yeonjun said with a smile

"Well I'd love to stay and chat more but my mates are probably waiting for me" Jake replied "so I'll see you around"

"Yeah will do" Soobin said

Before Jake walked back to his group, he turns around "Oh Sunghoon! See you on Saturday for the sleepover!!" And finally left

"Well that happened" Beomgyu stated "how's your head Sunghoon?"

"Fine.."he replies

"Why don't we head inside? We still have to show you other things" Kai suggested

"That's a good idea" Taehyun said "let's go"

Jake's POV

While walking back to the others, I came across a frustrated Heeseung. "What's with the frown hyung?"

"Why are you talking to him?" He asked

"Talking to who?"

"You know who I'm talking about"

"Look I don't know why you have this grudge again Sunghoon but he's a really nice person"

"It isn't about that. If you interact with someone like him who everyone dislikes, how do you think people will react if they see this!"

"Hyung, I don't care if they stare at me. If someone is being rude to someone of course you'll want to help them" Jake mentions "isn't that what the perfect boy would do?" He sarcastically said

Heeseung stopped speaking for a moment. Jake came up to him. "Everything is about reputation and how everyone sees you that's all you think about, but have you ever thought about going against it to help out the people you care for?"

"Hey guys!!" Niki cried while coming over "what's going on here?"

"Nothing my boy" Jake said ruffling his hair

"How many time do I need to tell you that I'm not a kid!!"

"You may see yourself in that way but you're still my younger bro" Jake was about to pinch his cheeks until Niki blocked it

"Yeah yeah whatever, let's go to the others now, I wanna play"

"Sure let's go"

Meanwhile with Sunghoon...

Sunghoon's POV

We were finally finished the tour of the school and we were head back to the gates from the 2nd floor of a building, all the facilities was nice and clean and I did like them but...if only there was less bullying. Jun told me that the bullying is kept to a minimum but for me, it feels like nowhere is safe.

That's when I turned to my right to see a door which is slightly open, without anyone knowing, I quickly went to the door and opened a jar. The room was smaller than the others, maybe half the size and rather different- in a good way.

I was tempted to open it fully when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted and turn around to put my hands over my head. "Omo Hoonie I didn't mean to scare you!" Soobin panicked

"It's fine hyung, I didn't know you were behind me"

"But what are you doing at room 1130?"

"1130?" I said "you have that many rooms!?"

"Well it's suppose to be 130 but the teachers pranked us and placed an extra 1 there for April fools a few years ago. I guess they forgot to take it down ever since" Soobin answered "if you're so curious about it, why don't you go in?"

"Can I?"

"Of course!! I don't see why not to"

With that said, I twisted the door knob and opened the door to reveal a small room and what felt like a 2nd home. I stepped inside and looked around amazed. And what took me by surprise was a piano against the wall beside a large window that you're able to sit on and probably sleep of you wanted to. I felt my grin appearing from cheek to cheek

"Do you like it?" Soobin asked while joining me. I nodded. "Our teachers wanted a music room for students to enjoy learning something new but no one has used it but since they didn't know what to do with it, they just left it"

I came up to the piano and sat down. I ran my fingers across the white and black keys. "Why don't you play something? You remember what I taught you right?"

"But what if someone hears me?" I asked

"The walls in this room is soundproof, as long as the door is shut properly no one will here you"

"Really?" He faced the piano once more "well in that case.." he placed his hands on top of the keys and played a melody for our
ears to drift off into another world.

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