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The man's heart was empty.

Utterly empty.

He sat in a forest where he knew he couldn't have been found at thanks to the location of a dear friend, seeking nothing but pure solitude after all that has happened.

Steel-colored eyes watched the leaves fall.

His mind was clear, empty as well.

There not much to do nor much to plan.

He felt a liquid drip from his head to his chin. He hadn't bothered with that either.

What was he to do about it now? Like mentioned earlier, he had not much to plan.

His plan had already failed.

"Is that your dream, Volo?"

He pictured his dream from the time before... well, everything.

The land that he wished to own, nothing but nature suiting its every inch. The Pokémon frolicking around, their chirps harmonizing with nature's winds. His... partner.

To be where his heart wants to be, with his beloved, enjoying each second of this dream right next to him. No words needed to be exchanged; for they were here alone and together.

Then, and finally then, did he feel remorse.

Utter remorse.

"You said they were all different, right?"

"Yes! They all seem to portray a message each time. This is the second time where I see a new symbol."

Volo was showing me another mural that he found a few weeks after the one he found over at Cobalt Coastlands. He was ecstatic at the new find, claiming earlier that this was the last one that he's known about from previous myths and readings.

"I've searched for this since the very first day I have come to learn about their existence," he giggled. "Now I've found them I can finally decipher their messages! What do you think they'll say?"

To put it simply, he's found them all.

All that there is known to be, to be exact.

Though of course he has to first learn the pattern of the symbols and practically learn an ancient language, he has accomplished a goal that not many others have before, and he could possibly be the first one to find out what the messages are saying. So, who wouldn't be excited? He definitely has the drive and ambition to learn what they are and what they mean, now that he has his hands all over them.

The merchant leans over to me and shows me a page of the different symbols he's found, circling the new ones he's previously mentioned.

"Sometimes the image is too broken and faded to see clearly, but I can certainly deduct it from being other symbols and later find matches as to what it may have been," he points at the circled symbol, "and this looks like it has the same symbol as one from the Highlands."

It looked to be a certain creature. It had a distinct shape that I remember seeing on other murals. I hummed. Wonder if their messages will actually be of some importance.

Tucking away the notepad in his bag, Volo let out a deep breath in satisfaction. For so long has he been trying to find these and now he can focus on figuring out their purpose. I feel happy for him; this is one big accomplishment. One that not many could say have done it—he might've been the only one actually, at least in recent times. I haven't heard of any other person that has done this before.

I sigh as well, smiling up at my beaming friend. I play with locks of my hair, feeling fidgety.

"I'm proud of you, Volo."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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