Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)

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"I suppose that's not to bad considering the time difference" Jay commented and Will nodded in agreement.

"I'm getting up" Will announced "I can't stay in this bed any longer" he added before climbing out of his bed and disappearing off to the bathroom.

We all got ready before heading down for breakfast,

"They have chocolate chip pancakes and Will said I could have some" I said happily as I ran back over to our table where Jay was sat drinking his coffee and eating his breakfast,

"Wow" Jay nodded impressed as Will walked over and put the plate with two pancakes in front of me,

"Thank you" I said before grabbing my fork and tucking in.

Once we had our breakfast we headed back up to our room to change in to our swimming things so we could go down to the beach. Not before Will covered me in sunscreen.

"Can we go in the sea?" I asked as I jumped up and down on the sand,

"Yeah, just give me one minute" Jay replied as he took his shirt off and put our stuff on the sun loungers,

"You two go, I'll stay here with the stuff" Will said as he took his own shirt off and sat down on one of the loungers,

"C'mon Jay" I urged,

"Hang on missy" Will urged "you're not going anywhere without these" he added as he pulled out my water wings and threw them to Jay who caught them. I let out an over dramatic sigh before trudging over to Jay.

Once my brother had finally put my water wings on, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the crystal clear water. We walked in to the warm water and the waves crashed around my ankles. I was a little nervous about going further in but Jay encouraged me and I was soon holding on to Jays shoulders with my feet unable to touch the ground,

"You've got your water wings on kiddo, you're not gonna go anywhere" Jay encouraged,

"I don't wanna go with my head under the water" I said nervously,

"You're not gonna" he promised "look, you've done this before" he reminded "and I'm right here if you need me" he assured as I dubiously let go of him and pushed myself on to my front "there you go" he praised as he kept a hand on my stomach for support "now move your arms and legs like you where before" he coached and I did as I was told and pushed myself across the water,

"Jay I'm doing it" I exclaimed as I kept my head tipped back to stop any of the water getting in my eyes,

"Well done kiddo" he smiled proudly,

"I wanna stop now though" I said in a slightly panicked voice,

"Ok" he agreed and I once again took hold of him,

"I like it better when I can still put my feet on the floor" I said and he nodded,

"We can go back in a bit if you want?" he asked and I nodded.

We spent about thirty minutes in the sea before walking back across the beach and over to where Will was sat reading a book,

"Will, I swam without Jay helping me" I exclaimed once I had let go of Jays hand and ran the rest of the way over to my eldest brother,

"Hey, that's great Gracie" he beamed "hopefully we'll have you swimming without the water wings by the time we have to go home" he added,

"Maybe" I agreed as Will wrapped a towel around my shoulders and I climbed up on to his knee "the water was really warm" I commented "not like the water in Chicago" I added making him laugh,

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