Start from the beginning

I smile, "I'll try, Minister."

"Cornelius," he says and I nod politely.

"Thank you, Cornelius," I say, for him taking his time to administer the ceremony himself.

He smiles, "After all Lucius has done for me, this is the least I could do."

With that, he leaves, going to join the other guests as they go to get drinks.

I ponder for a moment, thinking about what he said. He had given a week's leave to Lucius to spend with me. But that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

I blink as the two doves from earlier fly around us, soaring off into the sky. I then realise they were special doves, only created with powerful magic to bind your marriage and render it complete.

I can't believe it - I had just signed away the rest of my life.

And now there was no going back.

* * *

We sit at our table at the front, me and Lucius on our own with all the guests seated in front us, eating, drinking and laughing like it was the happiest day on earth. I sit in silence, smiling politely as Lucius's friends and colleagues make their way over to us and congratulate us, some handing us gifts that magically float to the side, creating a big pile.

I stare at my hands on my lap, looking up when I see a drink before me. I look to Lucius as he offers me a champagne, but I don't take it.

"It's laced with firewhiskey," he says quietly.

I shake my head.

"You need it if your going to get through the rest of the day without killing me." He says simply and I reconsider, taking the flute from his hands and downing the whole thing. "Easy," he says, his husky voice giving me goosebumps, pissing me off more.

I don't know why these little things he did intrigued me, but I hated it.

"Why did you invite the paparazzi?" I ask angrily, glancing at the people stood on the other side of the garden, cameras in hand. I take the flask of alcohol from his lap, pouring the whole thing into another glass in front of me. He watches me, frowning.

"Why would I not want to have the happiest day of my life celebrated in every front cover of every newspaper?" He asks sarcastically and I swear at him under my breath.

"Maybe because you're a self-absorbed prick."

"You'll regret that," he grumbles in a hushed voice as I turn to look at him with a smile. "I regret a lot of things, darling."

I watch the anger wash over him, about to say something when someone approaches our table and we both turn, changing our expressions completely.

It's a girl I don't recognise, but she holds a clipboard in her hand and I instantly realise she's the wedding planner. And from what it seems - his assistant.

"Mr Malfoy," she says with a smirk, leaning over our table to speak, showing her cleavage a little. I notice she's wearing a tight blue dress, ending at the mid thigh. Her face is caked in makeup and she wears an almost... flirty look?

"Yes, Ava?" He asks, slight irritation laced through his words.

I'm curious - with every other being that worked for him, he either didn't know their name or called them by their surname.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now