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It was a ordinary day in titans tower. By ordiany I mean boring. There was barley anything to do. Raven was on the far left corner of the couch reading a book she has read for the millionth time. She was beginning to get annoyed by the three boys on the right end of the couch playing the video game, "Autoracer". The reason she was annoyed they wouldn't shut up! With Beast boy's whining and demands for rematches and Cyborg's victory cheers and boasting about beating Beast boy, there really wasn't much silence. It wasn't much help with Robin cheering Cyborg on. He knew that Beast boy wouldn't win. Just as Raven was about to leave to her room a certain alien princess made an entrance.
" Friends! I have made the discovery of a wondrous place that involves the joys of dancing and beverages that is called the alcohol and I would wish to go!" Starfire said clapping and jumping up and down like a child excited about the fair. What she said caught Robin's attention and his smile faded and he stopped cheering, turned around from his position behind the couch, and walked a little closer to Starfire.
"Star, um, I don't think that that would be a place for you. I think that, maybe, we shouldn't go," Robin said placing his hand on the back of his neck and trying to convince his girlfriend to not go.
"But boyfriend Robin, do you not wish to partake in the joy of dancing and talking to wonderful new friends?" Starfire said, clasping her hands together while giving the boy wonder a confused look. By now Cyborg and Beast boy had paused their game and arguing and looked at the conversation in front of them and started listening intently (a/n: I don't know what intently means) and Raven was still looking at her book but not paying any attention to what it was saying, for she was also intrigued by what the tamerainian and boy wonder were talking about.
"Star, it's not that it's, well, we're heros and we have to protect the city and if we go to the place you were talking about then we can't really do that," Robin said, trying to find any reason why not to go. Beast boy's ears perked up and he got a smirk on his face, he got a excuse in his head that he could say to get the boy wonder to agree, with a little backup from Starfire, of course.
"Well, Rob," Beast boy started as he walked over to Starfire and put his arm around her shoulder, "Who says that we can't protect the city while there? I mean we could, we would just go there, do whatever we want, if there's trouble our communicators will alert us about it, and if we're not in our uniforms then we fight in the clothes we have on, it's as simple as that dude," Beast boy said his last sentence and as he did that he removed his arm from around Starfire's shoulder and crossed his arms while a victory smile spread across his face. Starfire's eyes lit up and he looked from Beast boy to Robin.
"Yes boyfriend Robin, surely we have not a reason not to go! Perhaps we can go now, yes?" Starfire said with a gleam of hope in her eyes, looking at her boyfriend with a innocent look.
Robin took a deep breath and then let it go and said "Fine, we can go, but only if Cyborg and Raven agree," Robin said crossing his arms with a smirk son his face, he knew full well that even if Cyborg agreed there was no way in hell Raven would agree, and he said if Cyborg and Raven agreed, not if only one of them agreed.
Hearing his name, Cyborg popped up and knew it was time for him to join the interesting conversation. He knew they were waiting for his response and he loved the idea of going. "Aww yea, PARTY! Booyah!" Cyborg said closing his eyes and pumping his fist in the air. Now all they had to do was get Raven to follow along with it.
By now Raven had lost the conversation at hand and got fully absorbed in the book she was reading. After a while of silence she got the feeling that eyes were on her. She looked up from her book and looked behind her only to be met by her teammates gazes. "What?" She said sharply, hating that she was being stared at.
"Friend Raven, surely you would wish to come with us to the wondrous place called the club, would you not?" Starfire said flying close to Raven only to be met by a cold glare.
"No, I wouldn't, Starfire, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room," Raven said slamming her book shut, getting off the couch, and going torwad the door. Robin had a look if victory, for he had predicted that to happen, but his victory was short lived because just before Raven reached the door, Beast boy got right in front of her and in her way. "Beast boy, could you move out of my way, please?" Raven said with annoyence in her voice and her suggestion would have sounded more like a command had she not of said please.
"No, Rae, I can't, not until you agree to come with us, it won't be fun without you, Rae," Beast boy said looking her straight in the face, by now he was about the same height as her with the exception that he was an inch taller.
"No, I'm not going," Raven said with a glare looking him dead in the eye, if looks could kill, Beast boy would be dead three times over.
"Oh c'mon Rae! Please?" Beast boy said as he threw his hands in the air then lowered them to his sides, then an idea struck him and a little light bulb appeared over his head then disappeared, he got a smirk on his face which Raven saw and she started getting suspicious. He turned into a little kittin and gave her his infamous puppy dog face. He knew he wouldn't be able to convince Raven on his own.
Beast boy's thought was only proven when Raven said "No, Beast boy," At that moment he looked over to Starfire, still in cat form, and silently told her to help him. Starfire obeyed and knelt down and soon enough did Beast boy's famous the face. Raven was having a hard time, but she wouldn't give up, she wouldn't budge.
"Oh, please friend Raven, it would be most enjoyable if you were to come with us to the earthly gathering, please friend Raven?" Starfire said still doing the face while begging her to come join.
Raven took a deep breath and she realized that was it, she let go of her breath and reluctantly said "OK, fine, I'll go, but don't expect me to do any dancing," Raven crossed her arms and had an annoyed, slightly angered expression on her face. As soon as Raven said that Starfire jumped up and pulled Raven into a bone-crushing hug followed by Beast boy joining in. "Starfire....... Beast boy..........can't breath," Raven said slowly going out of breath, with her arms firmly by her side, being slowly crushed to death by her two friends. Starfire and Beast boy quickly let go.
"My apologies, friend Raven," Starfire said with a bit of regret in her voice, looking down at the ground.
"Yea, sorry Rae," Beast boy said with a lopsided grin, while putting his hands up in defense and backing away slowly in case she tried to do something to him.
Robin just stood there with his mouth open with a bit of a frown in it, he had a defeated look on his face, now all his hopes of not going just vanished and he now is stuck with going to that place that Batman said to never go.
"Alright y'all, let's get going!" Cyborg shouted in excitement while putting his fist up in the air.
"Maybe you should try not yelling for once?" Raven said covering her ears with a glare pointed in Cyborg's direction.
Cyborg put his fist down and while crossing his arms said "Whatever, let's just get ready," and with that Cyborg went to his room, pouting all the way.

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