chapter 6: valvrave

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"truth we need to get more ships or condense on units" i said noticing how cramped we were on room two days later another two ships appeared of the same class as the first two

"any other complaints" truth asked i grumbled but said nothing

"we arrived and by we arrived i mean i awoke in some kind of cockpit

"so your the one, promised to me eh" a voice said

"who may you be" i asked

"prue, my name is prue, and truth tells me, that you are desparate to rescue your friend and will go to any measures to achieve your goal" prue said

"then truth is wrong, i am not evil or ruthless, i am not even truly desperate not now with the amount of weaponry i have access to i can return and rescue her easily, i am following truth's plan because i believe that, eureka cannot be free or happy on that world, nothing more" i said he stared at me for a moment

"good answer, i shall grant you my power" he said as i felt a sting at the back of my neck

"you are the first and only human i will ever jack, be proud of your accomplishment, i have one request" prue said

"what is that" i asked

"reunite me with my little sister" he said

"where" i said but as i asked i somehow new and piloted the machine to the station i landed to meet seven other individuals

"thank you, mika" he said as he exited the machine to see his sister i exited the machine and jumped down

"you got it back" a boy said

"i didn't know it was stolen" i said

"well they finished it, at least" the older looking one said

"my name is mikazuki beams akamitsu" i said holding out my hand

"L-elf" the man said as he took it

"we are trying to protect everyone here, i'm haruto" haruto said as the rest introduced themselves

"well i can help you there you have working comms" i asked the group nodded and i grew a big smirk

"take me there" i said

"what are you doing" shoko asked

"calling a battleship, i have what truth has sent me here for, i think" i said as i opened comms

"beams to akatsuki" i said

"akatsuki here captain orders" saki asked

"come to this location, and drop the cloak i want everyone to see you, and i want you finger on the wave motion gun trigger" i said with a huge smirk

"understood captain should i have the carriers decloak as well" saki asked

"no just the akatsuki" i said

"understood" saki said

"i want to see them pick a fight with us now" i said smirking arrogantly

"you seem quite sure of your self

"i have four cannons that can destroy a sun in one shot, crammed together into one big cannon" i said seriously their eyes widened

"yep, you have every right to be smug" saki said

"don't i" i said

it turns out the order to have a the wave motion gun ready to fire was actually a good idea as the wave motion gun destroyed three enemy ships and heavily damaged two ideals who were just barely able to escape the blast

"prepare to fire the second round" i ordered

"wait you can fire that thing more then once" l-elf asked

"yep" i said

"open a channel to the enemy" i told the group who nodded

"i am mikazuki beams akamitsu captain of the battleship akatsuki, to enemy units, my ship can fire several more rounds of it's wave motion gun, and i have no qualms decimating you, alternatively i give you this one chance right now to turn around and retreat" i said cutting the channel before reopening the channel with the akatsuki

"prepare to fire the second round" i ordered

"aye captain" came the reply

"the enemy is backing off" shoko cheered i nodded

"they maybe resilient but they aren't stupid they know my ship is a third party but they don't know if i have others hidden or if i have other weapons they don't know about excuse me i'm gonna speak to truth about getting you a wave motion gun ship" i said

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