Chapter Six

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I could've done this by myself. I'm better by myself. I don't want to work with others. Especially with a cocky douche with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes and a girl who looks like she's scared of her own shadow. This is going to be a sucky few days. "Hi, I'm Layla Fadden," the shy girl said.

"Ava Rhodes."

"I'm Kay Ducane."

"I've heard of you. The infamous Kay Ducane; best thief in all the lands, has never been caught and always pulls of the perfect crime. The guards have been after you for years." Layla said.

"I've not heard of you." How do I respond? Say thanks?

"Now that we've all introduced ourselves, maybe we should get to know each other and say our powers," Layla said.

"No. No thank you. We don't need to get to know each other or become friends, we do this job and then we never see each other again." I shouted. I don't do friends. They're pointless and let you down. Only person I can trust is me. Friends just leave you. I know people and am close with people but I never get too close to consider them friends.  Layla doesn't respond and just looks at the floor showing she can't handle confrontation. "We don't need to become friends and get best friend bracelets and frankly I don't want to be friends with you but knowing each other's powers could come in handy." Ava continued, "I'll go first I have the ability to summon creatures and shape shift into people I've seen."

"I can heal people which is really useful when you're in a family of healers and can create forcefields but I only use my powers if I absolutely must."


"Pulse and fire." I answered.

"Pulse?" Ava asked, confused.

"Umm..." I never know how to explain it so I decided to show it instead. I directed my hand at a rock and a pulse like force blasted out of my hand exploding the rock. I can control the levels of strength of the pulse so I can just move things if I want. "What did the king give you Rhodes?" I asked quickly getting the attention off me. I hate attention on me. I hate people knowing things about me. I'm not secretive but my businesses is my own and I don't see the point in others knowing stuff about me. "It's my father's ring, it's a charm that allows me to summon weapons." Ava answered.

"I have a charm to; it's been passed through my family for generations. It's a staff that has the ability to manipulate light." Layla added as she got out a small wooden staff that curves at the top and then has a blue crystal dangling down. Charms are rare and unique item that have been enchanted to do different things such as manipulate light like Layla's staff or I've heard off one that can bring people back to life and one that can turn anything it touches into stone. No one knows how these items became enchanted or why but the story is that someone who had the ability to cast spells did it to give to her children for their birthdays to help them. These charms have been passed down through the royal families or bought by rich people or given to those who've done something extraordinary for the royal family. I have a charm. It's a necklace with a black crystal, it gives me the ability to travel from shadow to shadow. It was my mum's, my dad gave it to her, I don't know where he got it from. "So, what are people's skill set? What made the king choose us?" Layla asked.

"He didn't choose us because of our skills, sure our skills may come in handy, but we were chosen because we're teenage girls and can travel without raising suspicion as people won't expect much from young girls." I replied.

"I understand me and Layla being picked as I'm a knight and Layla can heal; we could've done it ourselves and not raise an eyebrow. You're a criminal, you can't be trusted, why would he pick you?" Ava shouted annoying me.

"Because I'm the best thief in all the lands and have never been caught. The king probably wanted me because I'm good at getting into places and stealing things and oh look what's our mission?" I argued which Ava clearly didn't like.

"You did get caught though." Ava stated.

"Did I though?" I replied. I've never been caught when I didn't want to be. I can tell this girl is going to get on my nerves and be a problem. We're definitely not going to be friends. She seems too cocky and full of herself for my liking. I don't see myself being friends with Layla either, I think her being a scary cat might annoy me. I just wanna get this over and done with. "Can we please just get going?" Layla asked.

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