Chapter 4

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"Why dose this keep happening to us?" Susan asked as she faded in and out of being invisible inside a holding cell with her friends.

"Relax sis, everythings fine- Ow!" Johnny yelled rubbing his arm seeing his sister was beyond pissed. He swallowed a nervous lump in his throat and looked at his other friends. "Reed, Ben a little help here." He said I'm a pleading tone.

"Oh no, I'm not saving you from your sister's wrath this time Johnny." Reed said as he folded his arms over his chest.

"When are they letting us out of here?" Susan asked as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"They said they would let us out soon. So in the meantime, why don't we all-" Ben stopped speaking seeing the glare Susan sent him.

"If you say relax I'm going to hit you." Susan said before she faded invisible once again.

But, in the other room unknown to the four teens. Tony Stark and Spider-Man were sitting with police in an interviewing room waiting to talk with the cheif of police. But when the door opened Tony couldn't help let out an annoyed sigh, as CIA agents and Secretary Ross walked into the room.

"Mr. Stark, I thought you told me after the whole raft incident, nothing else would happen." Ross said looking at the two hero's.

"Correction, I said nothing else would happen between the Avengers. These four, are not Avengers." Tony said sitting down at the table.

Ross let out a deep sigh, and glanced over at an officer who placed four files on the table for Tony to look at.

"Their names are Reed Richards, Ben Grimms, and the Storm twins Susan, and Johnathan." Secretary Ross told Tony.

"What's going to happen to them?" Spider-Man asked.

"They will be held here until we can get them to a more secure facility." Ross answered, causing Tony to scoff at the Secretary of State.

"Ross, they're just kids." Tony stated.

"Yeah, Mr. Secretary... sir... um... I don't know how to address you, sorry that's not the point." Spider-Man said rambling over his words. "What I'm trying to say is, I don't think they understand what's happening to them." Spider-Man added. Ross nodded his head at the neighborhood hero, and turned to Tony.

"I understand that they're kids Mr. Stark, but the law is still the law regardless what their ages are. So, either these four sign the 'Sokovia Accords', or they will be held in contemporary confinement for violating the United Nations wishes." Ross explained. "Which, in all honesty here, I truly don't want to do to these kids." Ross said. "So I was hoping you might be able to help these young folks make the right choice." Tony examined the files and let out a sigh before turning to the Lieutenant General.

"I'll see what I can do." He said walking out of the room with Spider-Man following behind him. An officer walked over to the holding cell with a ring of keys in his hand, and looked at the four teens.

"Congratulations you've been released." An officer said opening the gate allowing the four teens to leave.

"You mean we can go home now?" Ben asked the officer.

"Not quite." They all heard someone say. They all turned around confused and a bit shocked to see who had helped them out of there situation.

"Holy shit, you're Tony Stark." Johnny said with excitement all over his face.

"Right you are flame boy." Tony said sending a side smile to the blonde boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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