Chapter 2

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Susan's eyes slowly began to wake, she rubbed the side of her head as her eyes fluttered open, seeing she was in a hospital bed. She looked around seeing her father snoozing in a chair beside her bed.

"Dad?" She asked confused. Her father's head sprung up and stood up abruptly making his chair skid back in the tile floor.

"Susan, thank God your alright." He said sounding releaved.

"Where am I? What happened?" She asked rubbing the side of her head. "The last thing I remember was that-" she paused turning to her father. "Oh God! Johnny! Where's Johnny!" Susan asked in a panic.

"Hey. Hey, Susan it's alright calm yourself." Franklin Storm told his daughter. "Johnny is doing just fine, you mother is with him now." He added making the girl relax a little. A moment later a nurse walked in with a clipboard.

"Oh miss Storm you're awake, wonderful." She said with a genuine smile. She then turned to Franklin Storm. "Mr. Storm may I have a word with you for a moment?" The nurse asked.

"I'll be right back." Franklin told Susan and followed the nurse outside the room to see his wife standing by the door way.

"Mr. and Mrs. Storm we ran a few DNA tests on Susan and Johnny, and their... um, well it... we aren't really sure what's going on, but we believe they have been exposed to some kind of radiation, along with the other three that came in with them."

"Other three?" Catherine Storm asked confused. The nurse nodded her head over to a room and showed them Victor sleeping peacefully on his room.

"Your children and two of their friends are the only ones to wake up from all this. But I'm afraid this young man is stuck in this mental stasis." The nurse informed the two adults. "The doctor isn't sure when he'll will wake up." She added.

"Do you know when any of them would be able to go home." Catherine asked.

"Well we had to call in a specialist to look into the radiation in their blood draws, but after that they should be free to do." The nurse said and then walked away leaving the Storms in the hall.


After spending a week in the hospital Susan couldn't wait to sleep in her actual bed. She and Johnny met up with Reed and Ben at Brooklyn's Peter Pan Donut & Pastry Shop. But for some reason Ben wasn't there.

"Reed are you sure you sent him the right address?" Susan asked as she plade with the pastry on her plate.

"Are you going to eat that?" Johnny asked pointing at the treat. Susan sighed and slid the plate to her brother.

"He said he would meet us here Sue, you don't have anything to worry." Reed said trying to reassure her.

"Reed, we all got blasted by a little blue space rock. I think I have a right to be a little worried." Susan explained.

"Look here he comes now." Johnny said with his mouth full.

They all watched Ben walked into the little diner, and sit down with them at the table, but for some reason he was wearing a turtleneck under his jacket and a pare of gloves on his hands. Reed, Susan, and Johnny couldn't help but shared a look with each other. Reed then turned to his friend beside him.

"Ben are you feeling alright?" Reed asked.

"Yeah I feel fine." Ben answered as he looked at his friends seeing they weren't that convinced, and let out a sigh. "Okay, fine. I was doing pretty good up until now. I don't know what's happening to me but..." He trailed off and roled up his sleave to show his arm, it had completely changed. It was now and orange color and rough like stone. "It just stared last night and it's spreading." He added and roled down his sleave.

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