And Hearts do not Break

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I clutched his hand after a moment, slowly glancing to him, entranced by the way he stared to the sky. His eyes are pristine and blue, something so beautiful, something that is kind. It's like looking into a bay of water, one untouched for centuries by man. It's as if I'd drown if I stared much longer, but I simply could not turn away.

Around us, flowers gracefully swayed in the wind, reaching out for their call to recognition. They, as many men have, cling to hope that one day, their voices will be heard and their songs will be sung. I smiled, gently plucking a smaller yellow flower, hidden away in the grasses.

"It's... nice..." His voice sounded, though he seemed almost far away.

"What is?"

"Laying here with you, Benjamin." He spoke softly. His eyes scanned my face now, and I flushed lightly. He is kind, considerably so, but... I know our time here is limited.

"It is... I couldn't ask for anyone better to spend my time with," I insisted, reaching over enough to graze my fingers through his honey-colored hair. "You... are easy to talk to... To spend time with." There was a smile that fell upon his lips. I chuckled softly, looking back ahead. Aside from the yellows, there was pinks, blues, and purples that flooded the fields in waves. It was perfect; no, beyond that... Heavenly.

"Ben," He rose slowly to his side, propping himself on his elbow. I perked a brow, looking over to him. 


I watched as his hand twitched a bit, but slowly rose, fumbling with the dark curls that fell past my shoulders. I smiled, interest sparking in my mind. I met his eyes, and I slowly turned to my side, reaching a hand up enough to trace along his jaw; his skin soft beneath my fingers. My fingers slowly brushed down to his chin, grazing past the peach-fuzz that grew there. 

"I love you, you know this..." His voice was soft, almost frightened. 

"Of course I know... You remind me all the time. The kisses, the hugs... your letters... They are not as frequent as the other things... But, of course, it's the smallest things that remind me that you care, dear..." My brows knit tightly as I stare at him. Though, in the light of the evening sun, it's as if he were an angel. His skin shone carelessly, beautifully, and I'm certain the moon could envy such. His soft jaw, rounding his face in such a graceful manner, almost as if he was crafted from clay and stone by the hands of an artist. His hair, honey gold fading to flaxen at the tips when left without powder, a divine grace. I smiled, unable to help myself when admiring his beauty. 

"Then surely, you can understand why I chose this evening to escape responsibility for awhile," John smiled to me now, pressing his forehead to mine. I let my eyes close as I moved close enough to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"I know why, John, dear... I do." That I hated to confess. It wouldn't be too much longer before he had to go- leave to Carolina. I dreaded that entirely- being left away from him for so long.

"I will still write to you," He tried to reassure, though I could feel his body tense, as if he was unsure. I understood the anxiety he must be feeling- helpless, hopeless, unsure- but he's still proud, indulged with the mission he has placed forth to accomplish. 

I smiled weakly, pulling back enough to look at his face. I could see tears, streaking warmly down his sun-kissed skin. I brought my hand up slowly, using my thumb to wipe away any that strayed. "Don't cry," I whispered, "You'll be alright... I will write to you daily if I must- no matter the schedule delays it shall cause... I want you to know that I am always here to support you... No matter the situation, no matter the consequence... Mr. Laurens, I am yours. Everything I can offer belongs to you; my heart, my mind, all of it..." 

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