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Benny's POV:

It's been a week since I confessed to Y/n and I still can't control myself around her. I thought that maybe if I told her that I liked her I would be able to relax, instead it's the complete opposite. I catch myself trying to impress her and make sure I'm not doing anything stupid, which ultimately leaves me looking dumb.

It hasn't been horrible though. We've had moments together that give me some hope. Wow, I sound desperate. They were little things though. Like if we sat in the dugout and my knee touched hers she wouldn't move or that one time I accidentally dropped my hat and she picked it up and put it on her head instead of giving it back to me. Now she has an ongoing game of taking my hat just to wear it. There have even been moments where when we are laughing she'll grab onto my arm to keep from falling over.

I just feel like I'm going to float away with all the butterflies I get.

"Benny! Get your head out of the clouds!" Kenny yells.

"Give him a break. He's whipped for Y/n!" Scotty says.

"Hey!" I snap out of my thoughts, "You wish!"

Within a moment, I feel something lift off my head and a slight giggle.

I turn around to see Y/n wearing my hat, "Their wish has already been granted, Benny."

"Huh?" I say dumbfounded. Stupid.

She laughs and shakes her head, "You do need to get your head out of the clouds."

We play for another hour or so until everyone calls game. Timmy and Tommy suggest another s'more night and sleepover in the tree house. Of course we all agreed. Y/n has even planned for Scotty to help convince her mom so that she could sleepover.

As I began to head home I felt a tap on my back, "Here," Y/n was handing my hat back.

"You know, you can keep it if you want right?" I smile.

"Yeah, but it's fun taking it from you," She puts the hat on for me, "Plus I wouldn't want to take your favorite hat."

My favorite hat for my favorite person? I wouldn't mind.

"I'll see you later tonight," She gives a quick wave and heads to her house with Scotty following behind.

My cheeks heat up and I can't keep myself from smiling. She really does have me whipped. The rest of the walk home was just trying to contain my excitement from the little moments I had with Y/n and that we could all have a sleepover together. Once I got to my front door, I took a moment to collect myself so that I wouldn't be questioned by my family. Then I let myself in and immediately went to go pack.


"Hey Timmy. Hey Repeats," I said as I entered the treehouse. I was the first one to arrive. Guess I was really excited. Oops.

"Hey Benny," Timmy said.

"Hey Benny," Tommy repeated.

"Need help?" I ask.

"Sure," Timmy handed me some pillows and blankets to lay out.

"Sure," Tommy repeated.

The three of us set up a comfortable spot in the middle of the treehouse with blankets and pillows, as well as Ham's spot to cook the marshmallows in the corner. Then we all sat down and waited for the guys and Y/n to show up.

You Wish (Benny x reader) Where stories live. Discover now