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Y/N's POV:

"Good morning sweetheart," My mom greeted me as I slowly sat down at the dining table, "How are you?"

I gave a mumbled response as I ate my cereal.

"How are the boys? You haven't been hanging out with them for awhile. Everything ok?" She asked.

I sighed, "Everything's fine mom. I just need a break. It's hard being around nine boys all the time."

"I understand. Well Scotty stopped by this morning. Again. He just wanted to see how you're doing. The guys miss you."

I let out a quick laugh, "Yeah right."

"Y/n, are you sure everything is ok? Did something happen between all of you?"

"Mom, I'm fine. Like I said, I just need a break from them. Besides, I've been having fun hanging out with Wendy."

"Well she is a nice girl. As long as you make good friends that you enjoy spending time with, that's all that matters," She gave me a kiss on my head, "I got to head off to work. I'll be back around dinner time. I love you."

"I love you too mom," I called as she left the house.

I cleaned up my dishes and headed to my room to change into some new clothes. I then sat on my bed and looked around my room. I realized that I didn't have much to do now that I wasn't hanging out with the guys and Wendy and I didn't plan anything. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the phone ringing from the living room.

I walk over to the phone and grabbed it off it's place on the wall, "Hello?"

"Hey girl!" Wendy said.

"Oh Wendy. Hi!" I was relieved to hear from Wendy.

"I have something to ask you."


"So the fair will be happening in a couple of days and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? It'd be fun. Especially at night, the fair is so pretty at night."

"Yeah sure. That sounds fun. What day?"

There was some rustling as if Wendy was covering the mic of the phone and some whispering? "Are you with someone?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh no no. Sorry I was just...adjusting. Whatever day works best for you. The fair starts Friday."

I was suspicious, "Ok. How about Saturday at eight. Friday I'm doing something with my mom."

Again more rustling and whispering until Wendy finally answered, "Perfect. Saturday at 8. We can meet at the entrance. See you later girl!"

"Bye," I hung up.

That was weird, but at least now I have something to look forward to on Saturday. It'll be fun. I always loved the fair, especially at night like Wendy said. The music, the food, the lights and of course the rides were always the highlight of my summer and now I was going to experience that with a close friend of mine.


Benny's POV: The same time

The guys and I waited on the porch of Wendy's house. Squints was practically jumping with excitement, but the rest of us were nervous. Well I was. I don't know about the others were thinking, but that doesn't matter.

About a minute later Wendy opened the door with a bored expression, "Can I help you?"

"Um hi Wendy. We were-" Scotty began but was interrupted.

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