Arriving At Jamanakai

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Red Son opened his eyes a bit, it was morning. He forced himself up and looked over at Mk, Who was sound asleep. Red Son just sat for some time getting lost in his thoughts while starring at Mk. 'Why is it every time I see him he always causes some kind of reaction, it usually would be anger or frustration....... But now I feel something's changed, a new unknown emotion'.
Red sat And thought for a bit. But eventually while he was thinking Mk woke up.
"Morning Red Son"


"Uhh, you okay you look frustrated"

"Hm, oh it's nothing"

"Hm, well I'ma start packing up so we can go".
And with that Mk started to pack up their stuff. Red Son went to grab his walking stick, but it was gone. Red started to look franticly for it.
"Hey did you grab my stick" Red asked.

"Uh, no-wait did you loose it"

"Perhaps, I did"

"Oh shoot, wait let me help you look"
Mk started searching for it. Red Son looked over and saw some paw prints. 'maybe a critter got it'?
Red Son tried to follow the paw prints but was unable to walk. Mk looked over and saw the paw print's.
"Maybe you should wait here, I'll go see if I can get it"
Red nodded, and with that Mk Started to follow the paw prints. He found a small den. Inside lying asleep was a wolf and next to it was the stick. Mk slid down quietly as to not wake up the wolf. He tiptoed over he was about to reach over when....

*Back at camp*

Red was sitting down waiting for Mk to come back. He heard some rustling in the bushes. Mk appeared, scratches all over, and no stick.
"Uhhhh, you okay" Red Son asked.

"I'm fine, but uhh, I couldn't get your stick"

"Why, what happened"?

"Uhhh, well the wolf won't let me get even a foot close".

"*Sigh* great, just fantastic".

"Don't worry, I bet we can find something else to replace it".
Mk started to look around for something, anything. Eventually he found a suitable replacement. He turned back to Red son with a flimsy small stick.Red looked at him purr confusion.
"your joking right"?

"Unfortunately I didn't bring anything else that could be more suitable".

"*Sigh* fine"
Red took it and leaned on it.
"We better get to Jamanakai soon"

"Your in luck I don't think we're that far"

"Well let's hurry it up so I can walk again"
And with that they headed off.

*Back with Mei*

Mei was running as fast as she can to her house. She was a bit worried about Mk since he would always tell someone were he was.'If I find out Red Son did something to him, I swear I'ma make him regret it'.On the way she ran into Sandy.
"Hey Mei were you off to in such a rush"?

"Sandy by any chance did Mk tell you he was going anywhere"

"I don't think so".

"Okay well that means I really got to go now"

"Wait Mei-"
But before he could finish Mei was already around the corner. She was now bolting a lot faster. 'Mk please be safe'.

*Back with Red and Mk*

"Noodle boy, are we lost again"

"No, I don't think so anyway"

"*Sigh* let me see the map"
Mk passed the map to Red son. He took a look at it and realized that they were going the wrong direction. Red took them down the right direction again. After that it was silent, It felt a bit awkward. Red started to get lost in his thoughts.
'Wonder if my parent's are already at Jamanakai, probably not. I wonder why Noodle Boy want's to help me so much, perhaps it's a trick? And why does it feel like my heart is on fire every time he's near, how come I only feel like this around him........I don't know why or what is wrong with me but I know that whatever it is I'll have to ignore it, besides he's probably plotting my demise right now'

'Man I'm really hungry, wonder what everyone else is doing, I didn't tell everyone else we're I was going since Red said they would most likely try to stop me, speaking of Red.."
He looked over at Red.
'Man he looks cute- wait a minute, since when did I start to think about that kinda stuff..............Wait, maybe, is it- no, It can't be'
Mk blushed at the thought of it. He shook himself a bit.
'No matter, besides what if I actually did like him, it's not like he'd like me back'.

Mk and Red kept walking for a while. Eventually they found what looked like an old and damaged stone path.
"Looks like this should take us to Jamanakai" Red said.

"Yeah, right"

They started down the path for a few minutes before reaching an archway. Finally they arrived at there destination, Jamanakai.

Hey everybody, sorry I didn't post for a bit. I've been a bit discouraged, But I'll try to post at least once a week. Anyway see you all later.


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