Off to Jamanakai

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Mei made her way to the Noodle shop. she was going to see what Mk was doing. He hadn't responded to any of her texts, and he always responded to her. She walked in to see Pigsy behind the counter and Tang already eating.
"Hey Pigsy" Mei said.

"Hey Mei" Pigsy said in a annoyed tone.

"Wow, what happened" Mei asked.

"Mk hasn't came down for work yet" Tang said.


"Hm ya know I haven't even got a response from Mk today. I actually came by to check on him" Mei said

"Well you know we're to find him oh and can you tell him I'ma need the book he borrowed back" Tang asked.

"On it"
Mei went up the stairs to Mk's and knocked on the door.

No response.


Once again no response.

"MK I WOULD HATE TO DO THIS BUT IF YOU DON'T COME AND ANSWER THE DOOR"Mei waited for a minute but no response. Eventually she decided to kick down the door. She busted through and found no one. She searched around for Mk or Red Son, nether were There. She looked around for a bit but found nothing. 'he's probably with the Monkey king', She went back downstairs.
"So, is he up there" Pigsy asked.

"No but he's probably with monkey king" Mei said.
"Alright then see you later" Tang said

"See you later" and with that Mei Headed out to Flower Fruit Mountain. When she arrived she started to call out for Wukong or Mk. Eventually the Monkey King appeared.
"Hey Mei, what's up"

"Oh nothing just came to see Mk"


"Yeah didn't he come here"

"Uhh, Mk's not here"

"Wait, what"?

"He told me he was gonna have to miss out on training for a bit but I thought it was work related".

"Wait if he's not here and he's not in his apartment then were exactly is Mk"

*Back with Mk and Red Son*

Mk was looking around, they had reached a part of the road were there's nothing but forest.' well looks like whatever is left in the gas tank is gonna be our last Gallon for a while'. Red was sleeping in the passenger seat. He was extremely tired from the long ride. Mk was looked over at him for a bit. For some reason Mk couldn't help but stare. So much so that while he was starring....


Red jolted up and Mk looked forward to see that he had steered off the road and crashed into a big old oak. Mk hoped out of the car and Red Son followed.
"I thought I told you to KEEP YOU EYES ON THE ROAD" Red yelled.


"What even distracted you"?

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh.... I don't even remember now that I think about it"
Mk lied.

Red sighed "alright let me take a look at it hopefully a car isn't to different from a robot"

Red went over and looked at it a bit.
"Well the engines busted so unless you carry a spare one on you this thing is not going anywhere".

"Well then we make the journey to Jamanakai on foot"
Mk hoped over and grabbed there bags.

"Really, were gonna make the journey to Jamanakai on foot, you realize how far that is right"?

"Yep so we should get moving"

"*Sigh* your an idiot"

Mk and Red Son started down the road. There was no way this plan would ever fail.

*About an hour later*

Mk and Red Son have lost there way and now there both tired and aimlessly walking along a riverside.
Of course Mk was bored they barley talked at all, so he came up with a plan.
"Hey red, what's your favorite color"?

Red looked over at him.
"Why do you wanna know"?

"I don't know just curious"

Red was suspicious at first. 'This could be a trap to get more information out me'. So instead of answering he just ignored him, But Mk was persistent.
"It's really nice day ain't it"

"It's a bit cold"

"Really, the air feels normal for me"

"Probably because I'm used to a more warmer environment"

"Well if it's cold for you I could give you my jacket"Mk said. He took his jacket off and gave it to Red son. Red didn't show it but he was grateful.
'well it's nice and warm now, hopefully Mk isn't to cold'. They continued to walk through the day but it eventually became night. They decided to stop for the night. Mk was digging through his bag to see if he had anything to eat. He looked over at Red Son who was attempting to use what Little fire he still had to make a fire. He sparked up his fire and for bit that was all until he managed to start it up. Mk smiled at the scene the pulled out two bags of peach Chips he had from the last time he saw Monkey King.
"Well it not the best meal but its still something" Mk tossed a bag over to Red.

"What's this"?

"Peach Chips".

"is this all we have"?


"*Sigh* alright I guess" Red Son took a bite and surprisingly it was not that bad. Red finished off the bag and Mk did the same.
"*Yawn* alright I'm go to sleep, night Red Son"

"Good night"
Mk passed out after a while. Red Son sat there and stared at Mk for a bit. And before he knew it his head started to wander off.'man he looks so peaceful And cute ther- HEY WAIT A MINUTE' Red Son snapped out of his thoughts.' why would think something like that....... Unless'

He looked back over at Mk.
'it only started because he was here........but why'.
Red didn't know why this was happening but it would have to wait for tomorrow. Red put out the fire and went to bed.

Hey guys sorry for not posting I was bit busy, but I'll try to get theses parts up a bit quicker. Anyway see you all later.


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