The Return of The Psychopathic Swordsmith

Start from the beginning

She pointed to you, wagging her finger, "But after the visit, you are to come directly back here! No pit stops, no nothing! I'm already doing you a solid here, but after this, you gotta rest!" You nodded, "Mhm! Gotcha!"

With that, Aoi turned around and left, leaving you in the dust. You put Hoshi down on your bed, petting her with your index fingers. You then slowly but surely stepped towards the door, giving Eli and Zenitsu a shaky thumbs up, "Wish me luck.."

Soon enough, after what seemed like forever, you had reached the front gates of the estate..

...after taking at least ten stops on the way.

Hey, you got way too nauseous and dizzy just walking 5 minutes! You gotta do what you gotta do!

You looked left, then right, trying to scout out the visitor. You leaned against a pillar after getting somewhat dizzy, "Helllllooooo?? Listen, bud.. whoever you are, I'm so fucking dizzy right now so why don't yo- EH?!"

Once you finally caught sight of the visitor, you were immediately taken off guard. You began to slightly shiver in his presence.

Who wouldn't? You were coming face to face with none other than your swordsmith, Haganezuka.

You let out a small squeak in fear, before speaking slowly but surely, "..Hey..! So.. uh.. nice to see you? Before you say anythin-"

Haganezuka interrupted you, pulling out his signature knife. He fumed while his mask stared directly into your soul, "WHERE. IS. THE. REDHEAD."

You blinked owlishly, before squinting your eyes and crossing your arms, "Why should I tell you? You're too hostile! Man, do you need therapy sessions or something?" You interlocked your fingers, pretending to be a therapist, "And how does that make you feel? Hm?"

Haganezuka rushed at you, knife in hand, "TELL ME, YOU BITCH!" You dodged Haganezuka last minute, before attempting to sprint away, "WHY'D YOU EVEN VISIT ME?? YOU DON'T HAVE A SWORD TO GIVE ME, MORON!!"

You tried to scurry up the tree in a last ditch effort to escape Haganezuka, "AHA, YOU LITTLE SHIT! TRY AND GET ME UP HERE-" You abruptly paused, suddenly getting extremely dizzy.

You began to lose your grip on the trees branches, before you started barreling down to the earth, "WAAHH!! HOLY SHIT!" Luckily for you, before you could make contact with the dirt ground, a pair of arms caught you.

You hesitantly cracked your eyes open, instantly being greeted by a worried Tanjirou's face, "AH! (Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?!" You blinked in confusion, "Eh- Tanjirou?" You paused, letting the situation set in.

Once it finally set in, you let out a cheer, "TANJIROOOUUU!!! YOU'RE BAAACCCKKK!!" You wrapped your arms around his neck, lightly pecking him on the cheek.

Tanjirou sent you his signature smile, "(Y/N)! I missed you! We can catch up later.. but.. why were you up in a tre- EH?! HA.. HAGANEZUKA?!"


Tanjirou's eyes grew to the size of cantaloupes, "E-EH?! I'M SORRY!! I'M VERY TRULY SORRY!! WE WERE UP AGAINST A POWERFUL DEMON!!" Haganezuka began to charge right for the two of you, (three if you count Nezuko in her box), "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!"

You let out a yelp in alarm as Tanjirou started to book it the other way, with you still in his arms. You began to call out to Haganezuka, "ARE YOU INSANE?! LISTEN MAN, CAN WE DO THIS ANOTHER TIME?! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY, TO DO THIS WILD GOOSE CHASE WITH YO- URGF!"

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