Slash- Part 20

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I push my sweaty hair out of my eyes, pulling the mass of curls behind my head. "Does anyone have a hairband?" I ask, getting shrugs from everyone around me.
"Here you go." Axl says, surprising me as I turn around. Axl stands behind me, holding a black hairband between his forefinger and thumb. "Thanks." I say, taking the hairband and tying my hair back. Axl smiles awkwardly at me and walks away. It was the first time he and I had talken
since the night before. It was strange performing with him and not having him all over me or even address me. Izzy was acting strange as well, but at least he made small talk with me and didn't completely ignore me.
I sigh, starting to turn around, when I bump into Steven.
"Oh shit! Sorry Slasher!" he says, a huge smile plastered on his face. I can't help but smile back, knowing Popcorn's smile was contagious.
"Hey! Me and Duff were gonna go check out a local bar. Wanna come with us?" Steven offers, hope glinting in his eyes. I glance back towards Axl's direction and nod my head.

We picked a secluded area to sit at, in the surprisingly busy bar. The bar we chose was on the smaller side and had flashing bright lights and the irresistible smell of alcohol. Duff immediately put his booted feet up on the table, taking a long sip of his bottled Vodka. Steven sat besides him, giddily downing his shot glass, as I sat in front of them, taking small sips of my Jack Daniels.
Guys and girls danced to the upbeat music,
while others sat at the bar getting shitfaced.
"Man, this place is cool." Steven said, drawing my attention back to my band mates.
"Really?" I ask, surprised he liked the smaller bar setting.
"Yeah! It's cool! I feel like dancing and banging a few chicks!" Steven says, looking over at Duff, who shrugs his shoulders.
"It's decent." he replies, earning a scoff from Stevie.
"Decent? C'mon Duffle bag! Stop trying to find the bottom of the bottle and come dance with me!" Steven yells, taking Duff's hand and dragging him out of the booth. I laugh, taking the bottle from Duff's hands, who protests, but still walks to the dance floor with Steven.
I take a small sip of the Vodka, cringing at its taste, before sitting back and watching the two blondes dance drunkenly. I laugh softly, watching my friends completely embarrass themselves without a care in the world.
A thought crept into my mind, wishing for Axl to be here. Would he have danced with me the way Duff and Steven were? Maybe if he was drunk. Would that have affected anything?
I sigh, finishing the rest of my Jack, and setting the glass down. I get out of the booth and walk back to the bar, ordering another drink. The bartender gives me another glass of Jack as I slap a few wrinkled bills on the counter. I take the drink and start to walk off, taking small sips. I lean up against a nearby wall, and watch my two friends dance.
Duff dips Steven, who giggles frantically and wiggles his fingers in my direction.
I smile, and wave back as Duff pulls Steven up to him, hugging the smaller man tightly.
I feel my heart squeeze as I think about Axl again.
He wouldn't have danced with me.
My heart breaks in my chest, a wave of sadness flooding over me. I finish my drink, setting it on a nearby table, and quickly rush to the bathroom.
I open the door, shutting and locking it behind me.
Blue lights flickered on, fucking with my already blurry vision. Tears suddenly fell down my cheeks, as I moved into the corner of the bathroom, sinking down to the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest, breathing frantically.
I wanted Axl so badly... why didn't he want me?
I cried harder, not caring if anyone could hear.
"Damnit." I whimper, wiping my tears as more fell down my face.
What the hell was wrong with me?
I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore.
"Aye, ya good in there, bud?" a man's voice asks, from outside the bathroom. I still, sighing loudly. Why couldn't I just cry in peace? I stand up, trying to hold back my tears and wiping the rest away.
"Yeah." I mumble, fumbling through my jacket pockets and pulling out my sunglasses. I put them over my eyes, and undo my hair, pulling it around my face. I go to unlock the door and try to hurry past the man waiting outside.
"Sorry." I mumble, shoving past him and keeping my head down. I move my way through the crowded dance floor, finding Duff and Steven.
"I'm heading back to the hotel." I say, the two of them now slow dancing.
"Alright. Get a taxi or something. We'll be back soon." Duff says, barely acknowledging me. I nod my head, shoving my hands in my pockets and leaving the bar.
A gush of cool air hits my face, slightly nauseating me. I gag, trying to hold in the vomit that was poisoning my stomach. I stumble a bit, leaning up against the bar's brick wall. I breathe in and out, my body starting to regain it's balance. I sigh, shoving my hands back in my pockets and starting to walk down the sidewalk. I call out for a taxi that pulls up to the curb. I open the door and get in sitting down and shutting the door behind me.
"Where to, mister?" the driver asks, turning back to look at me, his bright eyes widening. "Holy shit! You're Slash!" he yells, his hand clasping his open mouth. I smile, shrugging it off.
"It's such an honor! I'm a huge fan of yours! I can take you anywhere, sir. Anywhere you want... for free too!"
I laugh softly, embarrassed as I try to cover my face with my hair.
"No no, it's ok. Hampton Inn please." I say, my voice small.
"Right away!" the driver yells, starting to drive. "What's it like?" he suddenly asks, adjusting his mirror, his eyes meeting mine.
"What do you mean?" I ask, my fingernails picking at the skin near my nails.
"What's it like being famous? Being known by everyone?"
I sigh, chewing on extra skin on my lips.
"I don't know... I guess it's nice? It feels good to be liked for something I love doing, but it's strange when so many people recognize me. No one truly knows who I am."
"Oh." the driver says, my heart thudding in my chest. I quickly look down at my lap, embarrassed by my own words.
"I didn't know you were so... in touch with your feelings. I respect that!"
I look up at the driver.
"You're not a douchebag guy who only cares about themselves. You're a real person. I like that."
I smile, sighing softly.
I sometimes even forgot I was a real person. Sometimes life didn't feel real. It felt like something made just for me to act in.
"Thank you." I whisper, staring down at my lap again.
We drive in silence for a while when the driver pulls up in front of the hotel, stopping and turning around to face me.
"Well, this is it. Thank you for making my day, mister!" he said, a smile spreading across his features.
"Please call me Slash." I reply, fumbling through my pockets and pulling out some cash that I offer to him.
"No no! I can't take this, mist-I mean Slash."
I smile, moving it closer to the driver, who takes it hesitantly.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." he says softly, staring down at the cash. I shrug my shoulders.
"Least I could do." I say, opening the car door and stepping out. The driver waves to me and drives away, leaving me to stand by myself.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! There's another one coming soon!! Enjoy the rest of your day/night! Love you all- Adler ❤️

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