Chris • Burnside Bro Bowl

Start from the beginning

-time skip-

"So Chris, how'd you meet Y/n" Bronx asked, sitting in the middle of me and Y/n

"Through her brother, Charlie" I responded

"Oooh well just saying if you ever break her heart, imma gouge your eyes out and shove them down your throat-" Bronx threatened before Y/n interrupted

"Dude!" Y/n yelled

"I'm not finished- anyways as I was saying. I'll shove them down your throat and then shove my hand up your ass and rip out your spinal cord." Bronx finished, then she got up and went to go sit with Vito and Tex.

"Ignore her" Y/n apologized

"Is she always like that?" I asked, genuinely scared for my life

"Yeah, ever since my exes cheated. She's been so protective." Y/n explained

I just stayed silent

"Y'all wanna play 20 questions?" Justice asked

We had all agreed, and they decided to do me first since I'm new and shit.

"Ok so we are gonna shoot some questions and you have to answer as fast as you can" Tex said

I just nodded

"Ok, I'll go first. How old are you?"


"How many siblings you got?" Vito asked

"3, I have 2 other brothers, that are my triplet brothers, Nick and Matt. Then Justin, our older brother" I answered

"Hobbies?" Trav asked next

"Skateboarding, YouTube videos, and traveling"

"What's your favourite Color?"

"Well it switched a lot but Orange as of right now"

After a couple more questions, they started asking some more deeper questions

"Favourite childhood memory?" Cleo asked

"Maybe when Matt got lost and me and Nick had to find him in the smallest store in the world" I said, laughing a bit

"Thoughts on Y/n?" Bronx asked me

"Uhm she's very pretty and cool, thoughtful too. She's very caring for her brothers, a little closed off but I can't blame her. Talented and super sarcastic. Funny and gentle too." I said, summing up my thoughts

"Wow" Tex said

It was just silent, Tex amazed at how much I've said about Y/n.

"Whatever, come on Justice we gotta get going" Trav said, interrupting the silence

"What why? It's not even 1" Justice said, standing up

"Just come on, we gotta go. Bye guys" Trav waved, walking past me towards Y/n

He gave her a kiss on the top of her head, trudging up the bowl with Justice behind him.



"See y'all later"

Everyone said, except me

"What was that about?" I asked, turning to the group

"He's likes Y/n ever since they were little" Harley said, hugging her knees with her head lying on top of them



After the gang went home, me and Y/n were walking home in silence.

Once we made it to her house, we stopped at her door.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said, turning around to walk home

"Wait Chris" she stopped me, I turned around

"Did you really mean what you said, back there?" She asked me, coming down the steps

"Well yeah, why would I lie?" I questioned

"I don't know, I guess I'm just used to it" she said

"Thanks for walking me home" she thanked

"It was my pleasure" I said

She then just nodded with a smile, and went inside. She's so pretty, I hope she knows..

Hey y'all!! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot, I'm really busy. My brother is sick, I have homework and I'm planning a homecoming party for my auntie.

Q: What is the most useless kitchen tool?

A: A spork, why need a spork when your either gonna be using a fork or spoon

Anyways I promise I'll start up my writing again, love y'all. Make sure to drink and eat something!! Love you my little bubblies.

-love Maxxi <3

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